Monday, March 28, 2011

Let us Pray..

Let us Pray...let us have a conversation with God, let us speak to him as a child would his father...Isn't it lovely to bond , have cherished togetherness, private moments with our Lord God??Those of us who weather the storms know how bless we are, every time...we call out and He responds...praying means that we are never alone.... ....we belong ........ .. 

Marie-,  she believes in the miracle of prayers.....Each time, someone prays for her...she feels so cherished and blessed....She totally agrees with this good brother..who leads the Alpha course...that there is great happiness, being prayed for...Marie remembers the  many times she  asked for prayers, and parish priests;  friends in her prayer group had always, always responded...and she is ever so grateful...because those prayers had added strength and brought God to her side....

Like Nicky Gumbel, Marie too prayed for so many, many things........she had been disappointed when prayers went unanswered but looking back now, she realises .. there were more ticks than empty spaces......there were plenty of  angels, plenty of love and people who cared so much for her, so really, she is blessed indeed......but of course...if she could have space to plant her fruit trees....have the privacy of her own garden....
full of  beautiful yellow roses...if  the heavens could open and more than enough flow in to survive without relying on a salary.... etc...etc...hooh! what a joy...but she guess, God has his reasons for not answering those prayers......yeah, she could almost see His amused smile......and hear His gentle laughter.....Nah, she is not so obsessed now...believe it or not, Alpha has a hand in this new awareness.....God knows best..and she  fully trust and rely on the direction and providence of  her Lord God... She has faith in the goodness of her God...

Monday, March 14, 2011

Continuing with Alpha

This is crazy, but Alpha is really quite if not, still  very relevant in today's living!This evening's topic is about how to keep Faith....

Most,  if not all of us, people of faith, that is,....wear the Christian necklace around our necks...very prominently displayed  too, appearing high in enthusiasm, yet at the first sign of trouble or when the going gets tough...we wobble and allow emotions and feelings to cloud our minds and drive out Faith....the questioning starts....the resentment pours out.....Indeed Yrs Truly herself  went through such   high and lows occasionally,,...natural reactions..... . but scripture tells us to believe and not let feelings pull us into the quick sand of darkness...In moments of turmoil, turn to God..pray so that we remain on solid grounds, enveloped and uplifted by the grace of mercy.
Nicky Gumbel, he -sure has a very practical and very factual way of teaching us how to keep Faith..........turn to the Bible at all times and gather the facts from within....Jesus is real...very real, He is not an illusion and we have history to back us up... The Lord, He  came for sinners ;  He died for you and me....and He promises great things to those who believes and trust in Him..... 

Nicky Gumbel tells us  facts we already know as Christians  but interestingly, he has managed to create realistism ....telling us how practical the teachings of the Lord was and still is.....and that captures and hold the attention of his audience.  He applies it to everyday living...issuing an invitation to open the door of our hearts to the Lord, standing patiently outside and allow Him to come in......

This Autumn Rose looks forward to completing the Alpha sessions  with Nicky Gumbel. He represents the Lord in a very strong and engaging manner and we have alot to learn about evangelizing from him.  Sure, Autumn May, knows the facts ...but Nicky  adds fresh insights,  brought in more clarity , provoke deep understanding.....To top it all,  she has met some great people.....

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Uncertainties of Life

Another natural disaster just swipe out more than a thousand lives and with it scores of businesses, homes, properties and people's livelihood.. ....untold sufferings.......JAPAN!!!somehow, one never thought Japan could suffer such damages......sure....natural disasters can occur. just about anywhere.......but somehow, we always thought  Japan would be prepared for  all eventualities.....Guess not...

Even as one realises just  how fragile  and so very temporary life is......we are after all travellers passing through this earthly sphere and must one day return home....this Writer couldn't help but thought of 2012, the end of the Mayan calender.......we do not know what other calamities will occur....especially as nature lashes out more and more in recent times...Which part of the world would be struck next and of what magnitude?? We pray that God in his mercy will continue to protect this beautiful nation of ours and we, the inhabitants of this homeland will be allowed to reside in peace, free to live our lives as we should.

Once upon a time, the mere thought of dying frightens the wits out of Yrs. painful is it......this draining of living breath from a person...???.But ever since faith walked with her...that thought has become less scary.... it is a part and parcel of this journey...fear does nothing to lessen the effect or the  pain ..She no longer worries her head off , what tomorrow brings...because there is no certainty in life.... ...lives are being swallowed by tsunamis , landslides, name it.....we are not in control........God is.......It would be wise to listen well to the words of the Lord....Just live today well what God expects of us and God will take care of the rest...TRUST...

And as she sang the very beautiful the end of mass today, .that God will find a way...she was somehow comforted ...whatever it is that still keeps  her restless...God will fix and He will fix it good. Isn't He the Master of our Destiny??We are also told, God works in mysterious and unexpected ways... Lead the Way Lord......

Thursday, March 10, 2011


This is the time of the year, we walk across the bridge of reconciliation, , spring cleaning of self .. fasting and asking for forgiveness..,,be reconcile with our God.. mindful of the fact  ....that ...from dust...we came and some day to  dust we shall return...... This is a journey....not a permanent place of abode and  life's living must be worthy of  the safe passage home..
This is Lent and the arms of God reaches out to embrace those who acknowledges his Lordship, showering forgiveness upon repentant souls and solace upon the down trodden, those  who needed a fresh breath of life to live again...

Even if life is perfect for you , now is a good time to sit down-reflect...., offer thanksgivings, communicate  and spent cherish moments with our Loving something for Him....Present Him with a bag of goodness from  your heart and soul, brethren! Now is the time to abstain from the habit of always asking of the Lord...but for us to return the favour.... give and express our love  in return....repenting, actioning what pleases Him, keeping his wishes and commandments...

May Lent lead you into the peace of Christ, People!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Matthew 7:21:27.- A reflection

Not everyone who says to me, Lord! Lord! will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my heavenly Father"  And again...Jesus told his disciples..."Anyone who hears these words of mine, and acts accordingly, is like a wise man who built his house on rock.The rain poured, the rivers flooded and the wind blew and struck that house, but it did not collapse because it was built on rock.....
These reminders from Matthew 7: a call to awareness ...... me and you and all others out there...we who claimed to  know the Lord......does that mean, we are all on this chartered flight to heaven ???.....Friends, how many of us realise what it is that the Lord asks of us??? Wearing the religious and pious suit does not get you and me  on to that chartered plane bound for heaven...... .Nope... and just being good too,  is  not enough.., it must come with effort , with good acts,  compassionate heart, willingness to reach out , to soothe, comfort and assist others....

Now are you wondering why, just being good and minding your own business does not get you the score, ?.... it is like the servant who was given 1 (one) talent, but being fearful of his master...he decided to bury that one that he could return it intact to his master  when he, the master returns... This servant, he  sat pretty on that one talent....did nothing to enhance or add to its value.... and he was rebuked and punished when his master returns.  Does this servant  remind you of anyone, people??? Yours Truly would say most of us are guilty of acting like this particular servant.......take the easy way out.....taking it easy, sleeping in that comfortable arm chair., waiting for manna to fall from heaven.

Folks, we are called to understand and be enlightened that  walking that extra mile , using whatever resources given expected of actionize the will of the heavenly Father. Put the talents given you to work and fragrance the name of the Lord God. And what better way, than walking his commandments??.God is  LOVE, and he commands that we love  one another...just as He loves us..

Friends, it is not just preaching and lipping  the LOVE is very much...actioning,..GIVING of yourself...Charitable..caring for the needy, sharing our good kind to the meek and the weak...looking after the poor warmth to lonely and alienated souls., throwing a life-line to those who are in desperate need of a new lease of life...just being there for someone out there...etc..etc...but let charity begin at home...flowing outwards..., strengthen yourself, stand on solid, that you may have the strength and resources to help others...

Even if you have not known Christ,  but if like,  the good Samaritan, you had stopped to help a person in are activating the virtue of being a good neighbour and that will endear you to the Father in Heaven.....