Saturday, April 30, 2011

Be Happy!

Marie, she is a such a romantic and she adores weddings! There is something about weddings that makes one smile from the heart...Joy!This morning, she attended the wedding of a beautiful couple, Jenny and David....the happiness is apparent and Jenny's mum, she looked so contented. Who wouldn't be?? Today, her daughter is getting married and  building a new life  with the man she loves....and she looked so happy!
Marie wishes this lovely couple every happiness. May God bless their union and keep their marriage safe and more loving by the day!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Take time, smell the roses..

As he came from his mother's womb, he shall go again, naked as he came, and he shall take nothing for his toil, which he may carry away in his hand.  Just as he came, so shall he go;  and what gain has he that he toiled for the wind, and spent all his days in darkness and grief, in much vexation and sickness and resentment???

Ecclesiastes 5:15-17

For man does not not know the time. Like fish which are taken in an evil net, and like birds which are caught in a snare, so the sons of men are snared at an evil time, when it suddenly falls upon them..

Ecclesiastes 9:12


In my Father's House, in his garden, I am a treasured blossom, eternally closed to His heart.  He keeps me fresh and  vibrant, He waters and tenderly tends to me...He nurtures and nourishes me...Yes, my God and Father, ....He is constantly by my side, watching indulgently over me....

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Celebrations -Our Lady of Lourdes, Klang

A joyous and refreshing Easter celebrations it was , this morning...We were blessed to have 80 year old French Priest-Father Peter,  presiding over  OLL's early morning's celebrations and people, it was pretty  awesome and inspiring! The Spirit of Easter and new life was with us! Our Easter Shepherd was .....earnest, sprightly  and bouncing with energy....It is the  Risen Lord and Saviour, come to grace our worship and celebrations in His Honour! Folks, the pure, vibrant and joyous Hallelujah brought the morning mass to new heights....,  indeed befitting of EASTER!! Happy, Happy, Easter Folks!


A New Life, A Transformed Life! Hey! People! Joy has come, Happy Easter ! May the Risen Lord, shower great love upon us! May His Spirit and Light shine upon us! And  fruitfulness brings Hope to fulfilment, that peace grace our lives! Happy Easter!!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Holy Thursday, Good Friday..Easter!

It was an incredible experience at the Chapel of Adoration last night....a  touch of the Holy Mother's   pain and grief.....The moment this Autumner, recited the Hail Mary, she felt this deep aching pain  within.... and involuntarily, tears brimmed over....At that moment, she was annoyed with know, forever tearing...oh for goodness sake! and she didn't even have a single piece of tissue with her.....Later at the grotto, she was in deep conversation with the Holy Mother, when  extra-ordinary  lyrics flooded the air.....the congregation were singing their hearts out, worshipping God;  she did not understand a word of what was sung , can't , it was in Tamil....but the very sounds, the music.. touched her soul.....she stopped enthralled...a sense of .....holiness was apparent........and then, , the church bell began ringing......the sheer loveliness of the moment overwhelms her.....and before she knew it...those tears brimmed and overflowed again.......she had this profound feeling  of being spiritually touched, .....the sorrow and the pain of the Holy Mother of was her son they had brutally nailed to the cross to die ...and it was for our sake....

Good Friday, .......the day...the Son of God....died for us.....Shed His blood for the atonement of our sins....that we may receive eternal grace and salvation.....and as she knelt to thank God for the gift of  eternal  life through Jesus, our Lord and Saviour.. she  added a very special thanksgiving to God for Mary, Holy Mother, ever faithful and trusting to the Will of God..

 John 20 - An Empty Tomb and A Risen Jesus

The Lord Jesus willingly paid a heavy price for our sins that we may live...and  call God, Father... That we may find eternal peace in His Presence....Folks, The Lord...He is no more on the cross, He had been taken down and laid in a tomb but neither tomb nor death, could hold Him or  had any power over Him...He  is arisen...Brethren, our Lord has triumph over death and is arisen! We live through Him!  Glory be to the Risen Lord and Saviour!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Still on ALPHA

Was it already 10 weeks , when this writer first heeded the call - "Come and See" for yourselves, who  Jesus is ?? Did  we just complete the ALPHA course?  Gosh! How time flies! 

It was about 7.30p.m on a Sunday evening...all have not eaten...and the question was put forward to the explorers...."We have a last session before Fellowship &; Dinner. Anyone hungry??Who wants an express 25 minutes marathon so that we could start fellowship early, or would you prefer the full 45 minutes ???"

.Nope!  Amazingly, nobody wanted any  short cuts...she was pleasantly surprised! Ah!  the inner change , transformation had taken place.....Chow time can wait...right now..what everybody wanted was more good news...more of the Word of God. Get going- Nicky Gumbel...   " Look around the room.. ...(we were told), at the people sitting around you...they are your brothers and sisters in Christ..." We are the church of Christ....When we accept Christ, we become God's family...we become children of God...and members of the same family... brothers and sisters... united in one body, no matter what happens.

When we sat down later on, and shared in the potluck goodies ....fellowship took one step upwards...A different platform... an entirely different atmosphere. There was a closeness, a common bond, not present before...Barriers, alot of them were gone...we were free-er with our interaction....and when we addressed each other- "brother, sister"...there was this warm feeling of kinship....Unbelievable!

We were blessed with the presence of not one, but both parish priests who  helped set the happy mood...and  they were so much in one spirit with the explorers. of the Alpha. course.  They, the  shepherds were quite delightful.... jovial, brotherly...full of laughter...... my!  this writer had never seen such  wide smiles on their faces  nor seen that humorous and social side of them before.  Ah! The spirit of Alpha ! It had touched them as well!
Brethren!.   Good food, Good food indeed! The  score please!  And it is a.... 99.9 %  A MUST to attend, - good for the spirit and the soul.....but leave the full cup at home, please.... just bring along an empty cup to be filled and after your journey, you shall surely  return  with clarity of  sight,   wiser, enlightened  and so much closer to God!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The writings on the wall of this vegetarian kopitiam says, "in life we should overcome difficulties and not allow difficulties to overcome us"..and this writer who was having her lunch at this particular vegetarian shop ......thought.....indeed! 

She always believed  challenges are meant to be conquered and in every challenge, there is victory.. ...more so if one is blessed with the presence of the Guiding Light ....and draw strength from the Divine God.....

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Palm Sunday

Beautiful,Meaningful, a perfect Rainbow....A solid Bridge....that's this evening's Eucharistic celebrations...reminding us what Holy Week is all about...As we worship and prayed holding up our was shall this Writer put it?? Heart Stirring......Renewing.......words failed her......somewhat..yes..Surreal!!!

Yes Lord, in deep homage, worship  and great gratitude, we commemorate your great love for mankind...keep our heart faithful and trusting in your awesome grace and goodness Lord....Give us the will and the strength to action giving... the way You wish of us... 

p/s Zillion thanks to the people who graciously gave some palms to a family who came without their palms... thank God for Christian generosity...God bless!!

Your Hand holding mine

Once, I was plodding along this dirty, dusty road, trailing behind the others , burdened, worn out and so very tired and then .. You took my hand and .... gave me strength.....

What is it, I do not know, but You drove away the lonelines, the disappointments and the hurts ...You took away the fear.... You filled me with so much warmth...You gave me  confidence...., peace....You Provide....You made me understand that in every season, there is every situation....a purpose........and Lord....somehow the road  is  more beautiful  ...and so much more meaningful..when You walk with me! Thank you for your presence Lord!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Is God still healing??

Is the "healing" word still relevant in the current context, is God still  the Healer, the Healing God?? Marie truly believes God watches and  heals those who unquestionly surrenders their everything into His care....She is already a  great  believer pre-Alpha. Then- she prays in hope  and in anticipation ....wishing and wishing........Now??, she thanks God  in certaintly......the ongoing healing care and love showering upon her, every second  and every moment she breathes life..

Sure, along the corridors of life,  there still exists maliciousness,  evil;  there still exists bullies,  trials and tribulations..... people who cheats, steal   and take advantage of us.. .........but in life, there is night and there is day and our God , He name is Fairness  Himself- He is ...the Ultimate Master....who balances and controls the wheel and  fortunes of life...directs and ordains time, seasons ,  destiny, you name it................Marie is confident, God is the Decider  who.. restores and makes good  wasted years and barren lands.....That brethren, is the Spirit of God, restoring goodness, breathing peace, calm,  balance and harmony into those who places their trust and faith in Him. 

Healing....., it transcends in so many forms, cutting across boundaries, not confining in its defination ..... and when it touches will comprehend ..... that so long as the breath exist, healing is  part and parcel of life....

When our tainted  spirit and soul, is transformed into wholesome well being and goodness, bringing God profoundly closed...... in us, then serenity flows in ...bringing with it the ultimate healing of broken ties into Reconcilation......and togetherness with the Father in Heaven. 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

For in the Lord, there is steadfast love..and with Him is plenteous redemption... (Psalm 130:7)

Great love, power and mercy is the name of the Lord God...He sees the heart... the innermost chamber....He comprehends; He understands  ...why we do what we do and He does not mark our iniquities...He forgives....did He not breathe His Spirit into us that we may live???  Romans 8:8-11 says our existence is not in the flesh but in the spirit because the spirit of God dwells within us...Believe and live in the Lord, our God ...brethren,  Love the Lord, thy God...with all your heart...for His Presence brings the peace and harmony, this life so sorely needs!

Thursday, April 7, 2011


It is the smile of the Lord, my peace and clarity of direction, it is the kindness of the daily is the mercy of the Lord, sincerity in its simplicity, .it is the love of the Lord..the gracious warmth and contentment that surrounds me! It is the power of the Lord which sustains and upholds  me!  Glory be the name of God forever!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Alpha Weekend away..

When all is said and done.....will the salt of the earth rise forth, to give taste to the world, proclaim truth to  those who have ears to listen and thirst after the living waters of life???

There is an intense knocking on the doors to one's heart......during the Alpha Weekend away...Nicky, he tickles the heart..... he  attempts to shut off the sounds of the world, so that we could hear much more clearly, the knocks on the doorways to our hearts... willingly opening our hearts, fully welcoming in, the waiting Lord,  who will make a tremendous difference to our lives.....he introduces the Holy Spirit to the uninitiated a very down to earth way...using anology, all of us could identify with....

Bet it was a pretty soul searching weekend for many....but for Marie...Alpha works in a different way....she had fun, the unexpected happened, she lost her restlessness.....a certain measure of calm had descended upon her... what's more...she experienced warmth and care....she met beautiful lovely sister...lend Marie her shawl because she was cold ....another one shared her home baked bread... ... The group sharing was helped her understand life alot more....everyone  without exception experienced a certain measure of trials and tribulations...each were tested, in their own way...the "have all" and the "have nots"........but the faithful persevered because they  trust in the Lord, they prayed and took their baggages to the Lord.....Prayers...they are the nourishment of faith.... they bind and strengthen  our relationship with God...

Marie came away from the Alpha weekend  more aware of her blessings ...her cup is actually quite full......Autumn has its own warmth and joy, it has its own beauty; it has its own bountiful harvest and providence....the Lord, He so watches over her and keeps her so close to His Heart! And she does so love  Him  too, Yes, Lord! 

Facilitators, how you have grown...perhaps it was the Holy Spirit who had filled you with such confidence??? ...You people  were just great.... ......... good food too...A whisper to the House Shepherds....Marie's confession... the sin of gluttony....   the greed of overeating and that too... in spite of the flu....

The Lord is my Shepherd

The Lord is my Shepherd; there is nothing I shall want (Psalm 22)

Is there anything more beautiful than -that soul inspiring expression of contentment?? When one has found the good shepherd...the soul thirsts no longer....and peace brims, overflows.....and stays...

Clarity, Enlightment, You were with me all the time and I have not paid any attention to you!I have walked the world, seeking answers trying to catch the rays of your light, .....and there you were, all the time, patiently sitting on my doorway , waiting for the shrould  to drop from my eyes.....