Sunday, June 26, 2011

Thank You -Rev. Father John & Father Peter

What a tribute to the outgoing parish priests!  What a warm tribute indeed and it says it all, indeed, it covers the whole spectrum...there is nothing Marie could add, except that she shall miss the powerful 1st Friday, Holy Hour, which had been such a great source of healing, strength , encouragement and brought her calm and clarity...those sessions, taught her to trust..... and the faith renewing had been a very educational and learning journey....she learnt so much...many a times, she would go to sleep, troubled and funnily, during  mass, a light bulb would "Ping!" and  she gets enlightened...whether it comes from a hymn, a bible passage, or the homily, it reaches out to reassures, to is just crazy but so, so true! Yes, we are  certainly not alone, Higher Hands...God's Hand  are leading us! We are  ever so grateful for that firm reminder.

A parish of 10,000 is humongous ...we wish the outgoing parish priest , a very blessed journey....God knows best ----else, He would not have  entrusted 10,000 parishioners in the town's very own son........... Your continued prayers, Rev...All the best and God Bless .
And to our dear Father Peter..........only two months....but it is as though we knew you for ever! Thank you for being there, when Marie needed  advice...God Bless!

We shall miss you guys, but God has such wonderful plans for you... and the journey must be continued..........

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