Tuesday, December 27, 2011

What I now know

Everyone has a story to tell, for this Blogger, all the stories for 2011, had been told....and new stories begin for 2012. 

There are many " What I Now Know" experiences ,which could filled a book ...matters of religion, family, friends, own expectations ...even dreams.. walking.real footsteps into all those domains and passages...were so utterly different from what one expects or visualizes.

Actioning and being a part of  all those activities and real life scenarios, were such a  world of difference from the theoretical  and the imaginary . Yours Truly, had always dreamt of retirement,- when she could do just what she wanted, sleep as much as she wanted, watch all her favorite TV programmes, enjoy the peace and quiet , bake, read, write. travel......ooh...the joy of resting those aching bones....but now she knows..that is really not what she wanted... the total shift away from active work, that is........working and being part of the rat race still gives her pleasure..she is just too full of life......she cannot allow her brains to shut down and dwell only on memories and the past..she is very much a part of the active vibrant force; she just needed a little flexibility and looks forward to drawing a consistent and growing  income again in 2012. Yours Truly, looks forward to renewed energy and opportunities..:....Reserved .first class seat on the plane to  contentment and  attainment..... plenty of inner peace and calm.....Activate- "You are what you think, you are."

 Now, she knows why, the Lord emphasizes so much on peace...without that vital element...you will forever be that jumping popcorn, popping up and down...perhaps getting burnt in the process. Peace within is real happiness and worthy attainment.Whatever one does, one must be satisfied with the process and the outcome....and that will lead to  harmony with  peace and contentment.

The last six months had been good;   she met some great people, she received plenty of goodness.....she also woke up to the reality of life's living......nothing comes free..you have to slog and work real hard for what you want.....she explored and begun some new  chapters which  will carry on into fruitful achievements in 2012. Certainly  a new beginning will dawn for Marie in 2012.  A new horizon will emerge.AND..She holds on fast to her God....Lead on Lord....Marie's trust and faith -unto Thee .

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