Wednesday, July 25, 2012

St. Anne's Port Klang-Seniors Mass

Homily by Rev. Father Simon -A Reflection & An Appreciation

Rev Father Simon
That dish was awesome!!

We are a fragile earthen ware...indeed we are...weak..frail , so breakable...once broken down completely, ...we are back to the dust from which we came from...Such a beautiful expression, how apt! ....How awesome the knowledge that it is our weakness that brings us closer to God. Didn't the Lord say...blessed are the poor, the weak and poor in spirit???Didn't he say, that He came for sinners and not the righteous??? He knows the fragile state of  the creatures He had created...and so out of compassion....He is gentle with them...all the time...truly, we need not be ashamed of our weakness...isn't  the Moulder & Creator always ready to fix  the brokenness and  cracks of the earthen wares He created???

Bonding with seniors

Parish Priest Father Lawrence-
goes round-greeting the seniors
wonderfully caring Father!!
Father Lazarus from India
popular with parishioners
Very  Oomph homily Rev Father Simon!! And you can say it again Father , seniors are indeed rich in knowledge and experience with good know how..whether it be about life itself or in the various fields they used to laboured in. And you deserved a big big hug and a big fat kiss (on the cheek of course) from all so matter of  factly  reminded us that we are still very much a vital part of this vibrant, vibrating world! Yes, as YT sees it...we remain the corner stones...the strong foundation, that holds family, society and community together ...we are the hands..that hold and guide...despite the so called"generation gap" and the Y factor...all it needs is for seniors to keep up and  move along with the times- be able to ride the waves, without being swallowed ...and yes..keep faith and trust in God..If we could instil that love of God into  the hearts of  our young  bet...they will always value our opinions and keep a place for us in their hearts... that's why the Centre Seat should always be reserved for that all important Person...GOD in our lives!!


With love and care, the church of St Anne  dish out lunch to  seniors!!

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