Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Baby to Sunset in Body, Spirit, Mind and soul

I'm a  baby and I clung on to my mother. I drink her milk, partake of her nutrition,I grow. I take comfort and finds security  in her warmth, her presence.  I live her tastes, preferences, belief and her culture. The clothes that I wear? That's her taste,  I passively accept and absorb. I go to the school,  she and my father thought is best for me and I get grounded into the principles of  her tradition , religion,  the social, the cultural expectations of their upbringing and community living.  

Then my senses found their own bearings and my mind develops and so I started to think on my own and start to discern. I start to develop my own taste and preferences and decide my own beliefs. My spirit, and conscience becomes stronger. I learnt to take care of my body, the way, I decide best. I learn to consume things and act on my own. I find my own definitions of happiness, wellness, peace and calm. I detached myself from dependency and move into independence-self of body and mind. Differences and deviations moves in and a whole new set of culture is adopted.

to be continued

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