Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Moving out of Failures

How do we get out of failures? In all the narrations of healing, we have heard Jesus command, Get up and Walk or Arise and be healed. Action is always part of the healing process.Recently, I found myself losing my creative juices and what seems so natural, the outpouring of thoughts and creativity, becomes a chore. I have lamented and I have prayed. I have asked for help and now the message given to me is act to unblock yourself. What God has given, He does not take away and what God has given, it cannot be stolen away. Nobody can take those gifts away from us. God protects his own.It is I who must make the effort. It is I who must rise from the ashes and be whole again. Nobody can help me except myself.The gift is wholesomely intact somewhere within me. The cobwebs must be cleansed out so that  fresh air breathes and circulates again.

Proverb19:2, teaches that , 'It is not good for a man to be without knowledge'. Without knowledge, the mind is empty so how can we write. To write, there must be sufficient  knowledge worthy of the sharing and that has to be poured into paper  and the flat screen that friends and others may benefit from our sharing. So it is, explore and experience more, see more of the world, read more , be more open to new ideas and be more open to learning. Be receptive to advice and follow the good examples of others.
 I was always in awe of a certain person, to be exact a parish priest who was
all knowledge and he writes beautifully. Another priest , closer to the people on the ground  has started his blog and he writes on daily matters which are filled with  useful information for journeying people. Simple messages which reminds and teaches.   I marvel that they are so skilfully shared, with the precise words to make the right impact. I've learnt such a lot. God has put purpose in every individual he creates.

I like Proverb 19:24, "The sluggard buries his hand in the dish and will not even bring it back to his mouth'. Is that what causes failures in life? Most of us cannot raise our heads up and push ourselves up from the ground where we have fallen? We are always waiting for people to help us up and when nobody does, we just lie there and cry?  We get  locked in with  the assembly of the dead. Sometimes, the 'lack of help' and feelings of fatigue are just excuses to remain in our comfort zone and wile away the time. Time, we could ill afford to waste.Our journey here  is very short, we are here on borrowed time and so we have to put every minute to good use.

Unless we free ourselves from the clutches of  worthlessness,helplessness and the bottle neck situations, we will be like the dead, forever entombed. How can we hope to do anything if we keep ourselves within the confines of the dead?

Feelings of failures enslave us. They are chains which keep us lying down unable to get up and go about our purpose. The Lord says, get up and walk. go about your business. Work hard. Even Lazarus has to awaken from his death sleep , stand up, get up right on his feet, to live again. No healing, nothing  can happen if one does not cultivate the correct attitude. Banish failure, sock it in the face. To be sure, it's easier said than done. I should know..having lamented for such a long time. But I also realise that the longer, I stay stretched out on the ground, the easier it is for failure to eat me up and render me to nothingness. I need to make an effort to live again.It calls for faith in self and in God. Remember? If there is no other way, God will find a way, BUT only  if you start up your fire first.No lazybones will receive the prize of success and accomplishment!

I've been told ..even if you write rubbish, just write to keep the creative juices flowing. One fine day, the brilliance will emerge and the lyrics will  flow in again . Your vocals will soar with the beauty of the lyrics. Practice makes perfect. Of course, I also believe that we need the favour of God to accomplish what we want to achieve. If He smiles and gives his approval, everything is possible and fruitfulness comes in in mere seconds but it does not mean, one should sit around and do nothing. Get the engine heated up so that it could roar off with a gentle tap of the fuel. Moving out of failures to the  success and achievements zones, requires efforts. It is one big task of hard work and sweat. No easy way out. You've  got to fire up your passion. If you lack the energy, pop some vitamins. Whatever that helps. I ask for the prayers from  others. Get those energy lit up, persist and preserve. As I see it, this is the only way out of failures. Hard work and believe in self removes the thorns and the obstacles. Nothing comes easy. Get out of the quick sand.Keep moving ahead .

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