Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Healing Power of Holy Hour

YT was happy as a bumble bee, almost skipping into the church building..that is... if an autumn rose could still skip ...First Fridays, is a time, she looks forward to...but hei, team OLL! Parish Priest!  that hymn when Jesus, says , our tears were the reason he died and that he sees and knows the tears that we cry our hearts...and that guys! that burst the reservoir..OM Gosh! the tap refuses to stop flowing , perhaps...the deep of her heart was pried open..something heavy and painful  surfaced...yes, it certainly felt that way......something suppressed and not released perhaps......thank you Father John...the healing prayer was very powerful, the words does guide a needy person into releasing what should have been released a long time ago..but then healing takes time...because -more often than not, we stubbornly keep our  secret rooms locked away....hidden firmly in a little Hands Off  corner...
A little window has been opened and light is peeping in....slowly but surely, the start of healing..whatever it was....

Folks, if you are going for Holy Hour, go with an expectant heart, do not go for the sake of going.....go with trust and faith...expect the presence of the Lord in your lives....expect healing......and you will definitely feel him is like, there you are kneeling in your need and your need has touched Him.....He comes and reach out and touch you , comforting you, it is an awesome feeling, no words could describe..except in an out flow of emotion....

In a healing and worship session, when healing and rebonding hymns are chosen, they  remind the needy that the Lord is firm  in His love, no matter what our matter our status, no matter anything...He is the reason, why we are journeying......LIFE... is temporary...therefore whatever we go through is also day, we will have to discard our worn out flesh, leave everything behind and  go home to the Father...and that is in itself a comfort.

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