Sunday, December 12, 2010

Happy the man, who has trust and faith in God.

More than true.. because , happiness is so relative, momentarily, occasional long as the passion last and the heart is contented but contentment cannot be contained because the heart wants to conquer more territories and chart more boundaries. Unpredictability is the name of Human nature.. Greed, dissatisfaction... desires,expectations, wants-  somehow, they   keep on growing. Then there are the needs of others to think of..... in any relationships- our happiness, very often depended on their happiness, especially -off springs,  our partners , etc......

When she was young, this writer was so idealistic, to her love, happiness, relationship- is a forever thing, it is there for the taking, like plucking juicy pears from the fruit trees.....the world is so rosy and spells TRUE, SINCERE, and FOREVER -  but life's journey, has taught her that nothing comes easy, you have to work hard for everything, you have to learn to appreciate and value....just about have to compromise and give and give and give..... of course, you receive too, but it is in giving, you receive much more......Happiness takes on a different becomes -the peace,happiness, success and joy of  others in our lives...our loved ones.....

The world is like a mirage, sometimes...a dream ...appearances can be deceiving, deceitful..... hurt and pain sometimes comes from the people closest to us. In the sixties and seventies...eighties even...friendships were purer but today....plastic has set in...everybody has their own agendas.. ...But when we place our trust and faith in God, we avoid the pitfalls, He leads us from  treachous paths to firm solid grounds...

Yes, as the evening sun start setting in.... God,  becomes more  prominent and meaningful. We begin to appreciate His Presence more....our eyes are more open but most importantly, God, is constant, consistent -always there for us....providing warmth....listening...comforting...guiding....and always giving....Take my hand, Lord and be there for me!!!

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