Monday, May 2, 2011

Our Lady of Lourdes Klang, Easter Fellowship, 1st May 2011, Imperial Restuarant, Klang

Spectacular! Fun, Joyous! An Extraordinary display of talent! A Walk down Memory lane! That's the Easter Fellowship organised by Our Lady of Lourdes Klang, Sunday evening.

The Voice, the Lyrics, the Music!!

Young and Seniors, clapping and singing along with the music and the evergreen melodies... the cheers, the cat calls!!! Body swaying to the rhythm and the beat,  fingers snapping to the lyrics ......Good Gracious are those the same sober , immensely,serious church goers, she normally sees?? Why these people literally flow with the mood of the age       US    ... the joy of being together...

Marie was sitting with this group of very young, vibrant youngsters, gorgeous young ladies and young men..perfect was a joy being in their company...courteous, fun ; she could blend in........Table 86! She felt 18 again! Rejuvenated !...and she  gets to eat most of the portion too...young people, they do not eat much nowadays......and auntie , No, simply Marie, or Sister will do..... she thought of asking them...their  secret ...just how do they keep their stomach juices...non committal to the continuous flow of food  being served???

What this writer really liked, was the way the organisers kept the whole event..vibrant...lively, and they gave it the KISS touch....  this Writer thoroughly enjoyed the fellowship entertainment, great band....... especially,the young and very powerful voice of the veteran singer of the evening, ... .....she grew up listening to those melodies....and yaah, she so loved those evergreenies....... brought yesterday back to the present......

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