Sunday, August 28, 2011

Touch, Go and Touch Again

We call him the Touch and Go Priest, that's Father William Michael, who came to  Our Lady of Lourdes, Klang for a short spell. It was a stop over , en route his journey to Canada to further his studies.Is it already two months? Indeed he "Touched" and now He is on the "Go". For every destination, for every presence, there is a reason and an enriching experience....a beautiful entry into our journal of life....Thank you...

And we welcome Father Surain  Doraj Raj  into our midst......Prayers ,  he has  asked...priests too are human, they too are journeying and needs the strength and guidance of God.. in their mission to serve....  His call is... walk in confidence in theLord God ,  keep Him firm  in our daily living...... . Sometimes, it is the simple which inspires ...the sincerity ...which touches..Welcome Father..

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Awesome God

I heard a message, a beautiful message last night, that my God is Awesome, Awesome! He is the power leading me, He walks with me....He makes all things possible, He knows what goes on in my heart;  He  sees ALL....He knows my needs ... He cares and provides ...Trust and believe!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Walk me on secured grounds 
that I stumble not, oh God!
Gift me warm and caring hearts
that love and goodness
journey with me, 
Remove the shrouds from my eyes oh God, that clarity shines for me!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Holy Reedemer Church Klang, Annual Parish Retreat

A soul lifting three days, it was,  with the parishioners of the Holy Redeemer Church, (HRC) Klang- Friday, 18th (evening) till Sunday 21st August 2011. The event? HRC's  Annual Parish Retreat,,-the theme-Deepening Spirituality.A subject close to the heart of Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Joachim Tan. He was deeply concerned with the decline in Spirituality at Parish level, especially among young people and he hopes that  all who attended the retreat will bring home some essence of spirituality to nurture.We are living in a world where spiritual connection with God, is side lined, over preference for more tasty worldly pursuits and that is a worrying trend.

The guest Speaker, Father Joseph Stephens from The Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Ipoh  was a seasoned speaker of good substance, witty, jovial, injecting plenty of humour to bring in the laughs, and sustain  interest .  Christian Spirituality,  he said, is a connectivity to the person of Jesus Christ. It is a journey of searching for God's presence in our lives, an awakening , knowing who we are. Accepting  our shortcomings-then detox the harmful toxins. Build goodness within ...allowing   our soul to progress unhampered in our spiritual   journey to  God. Allowing God to dwell within us and centre Him in our hearts. The summing up could not have been more beautiful than through the words of St. Paul:-

The time has come for you to wake up from your sleep. For the moment when we will be saved is closer  now than it was when we first believed. the light is nearly over, the day is almost here. Let us stop doing the things that belonged to the dark and let us take up weapons for fighting in the light. Let us conduct ourselves properly as people who live in the light of day-no orgies or  drunkenness, no immorality or indecency, no fighting or jealousy. But take up the weapons of the Lord Jesus Christ, and stop paying attention to your sinful nature and satisfying its desires..Romans 13: 11-14

From the Spectator's Stand: Full house, Good Food, Good Awakening, Fun Environment. Despite the concern of Father Joachim, Jesus shone in the faces and hearts of these good people. Warm, Caring , Friendly, No Barriers-just members of one community.
True humour : As the good priest was earnestly  expounding the virtues of  spirituality, my mobile, went off....the good man, looked at me,  as I frantically tried to switch it off.. Without any change in his expression, he said," I hope that is not  God calling"

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

OLL Prayer Meet -Every Tuesday Night

The Prayer group of Our Lady of Lourdes Klang, who meets every Tuesday night at 8.oop.m., has grown by leaps and bounds....powerful hymns of thanksgiving and worship; lively and soul lifting were  the theme of last night's gathering . Young people could really identify with that kind of spirit filled atmosphere.!

Lead by the Youth Band , they did a fantastic job inviting the presence of God into their midst... even someone down in the dumps would be uplifted. Talented, spirit filled, these young people were a wonderful  addition to the Prayer Group. The additional bonus, was a  promising young speaker who gave Gospel Sharing , her very own distinct flavour, taking on an unusual angle, simple, easy to understand, yet with the necessary bible quotes to lend creditability  to her Sharing. A refreshing breath of fresh  air indeed!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Blessed Mother-Feast of the Assumption

It was on the Feast of the Assumption, many years ago,  when Marie experienced her life changing miraculous healing. It was  in the early morning, too, right in front of the grotto, ...and this morning,bright and early, Marie  again thank  the Blessed Mother  for her gracious prayers and constant intercessions.

Co-incidentally, someone dear  had called her up the day before to pray for a loved one and which better day to pray than on this blessed day??

Folks,  believe it or not, The Blessed Virgin Mary hears and prays for us. Let us in turn pray for God's blessings on our Holy Mother. Shouldn't we be praying for her, someone, who never cease to pray and intercede for us?? Folks, this is a day, to thank God for Mary, who has made our Christian  path to God possible. Praise God!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sanctuary-House of Worship

We speak about sanctuary, the holy House of God, the house of prayer, praise and worship, the house where the faithful gather to honour and thank God.

The Sanctuary of a house of Worship must be respected, revered and protected.

God is one and Father to all. He does not judge which way, which path, mankind prefers to take, in their journey home to Him....The Supreme and Almighty God, whichever name you called Him .. The word "Foreigner, Outsider" has no  place in a house of worship and prayer. We are one in God. We are all brothers and sisters.The Act of Giving  is synonymous with God -charity has no name, face,  colour, nor creed. We give in the name of love. Helping the needy, does not require them to convert....There is no need for that. We are their refuge , a pillar in their hour of need. A FRIEND ....If there is a cry for help, can the church turn them away just because of religion? That would be inhumane. The Lord  has shown us what love is, that is give and  to expect nothing in return - love others ....

In His wisdom, The Lord has also advised...."Render unto Caesar, the things which are Caesar's and unto God the things that are God's" Matthew 22.21. It is a lesson there, and religion is  a very sensitive thing...yes, I would even termed it revered. We do not encroached into our brother's religious beliefs, observances and reservations,  it is the law and we have only the deepest respect for that...after all ,we are all possessive about our  own faith and belief ......ALL that is  asked is that  due   respect is given to our  Sanctuaries of Worship...ALL places of Worship......and we ask it in the name of  LOVE, HARMONY, TOLERANCE and BROTHERHOOD...


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Praise God

Devoted, the group of young lads, who had gathered at the grotto, kneeling on the hard grounds, in a semi- circle..   faces earnest and.... praying with such purity in their hearts, voices rising in unison...their praise and worship ..rose, like rays of light in the dark night   ..... its the amazing grace flowing from thy divine heart Lord.....that brings such trusting devotion and faith ...... and I was humbled and amazed .Thank you Lord...for the beauty that lit up the night!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

There is life after Retirement!!!

YT  was reading Dr. Andrew Mohanraj, community psychiatrist's article on "you are retired' in the Sunday Star and  was utterly amused with the pictures that comes with the article. Is this how the world and society view retirees? Old, tired, useless, sleeping along the corridors, without friends...carrying a whole baggage of depression on their shoulders?? Is this how, retirees  see they  envisage life after 55, or 58, when the world takes away their employment rights ???

People, especially my friends, the Autumners, do you know that one never retires?? And should not think of retiring into nothingness????Retirement only comes when they lay your worn out body in that box and give you that mournful farewell. Even then, the spirit and soul  do not retire....they move on to a higher realm...Dr. Andrew Mohanraj has a wonderful advice....." retire into something and not from something"  ..hand that to  someone from the Mental Health Advisory give sound advice huh!.

YT says, if  all your life, you slog, for home, kids, wife,.....husband, everybody else....for survival, for life style...age gives you that wonderful opportunity to pick up your forgotten or broken for yourself.  Maybe joining clubs and activities cost money and at this time of life's journey, income is limited, but then again, it need not be limited. Be your own boss, something small, that is not too strenuous and taxing...a few hours a day. Lonely job????, why not summon up a few like-minded friends and a few of you could have a real roaring time...practicing your business skills, whether it be simple food wares, drinks...or whatever you are capable of doing.....Retirement need not be a time, when you simply laze around, digging into your savings, full of anxiety...when that little nest is going to run out.

But of course if you have plenty and want to travel the world and enjoy life, and is perfectly comfortable and happy , why not???You earn it!!!... Remember though, there are alot of freebies out there...activities that just require your time, presence and efforts..volunteering your services will bring in their own rewards, satisfaction of giving...and all religion teaches that it is more blessed to give.... Retiring into something else gives opportunities to smell blossoms of  a different kind.

And Autumn can be a beautiful time,  when, you can smile in satisfaction, that you have done your duty , your kids are all grown up...they have their own lives to lead...  and now, you have time for your self,  shower more attention on your spouse , enjoy life together. It is also a  great time to cultivate new friends...and love yourself more than a the person you always wanted to be.......

Sunday, August 7, 2011


8-8-2011, and Marie steps into yet another new year. She is a great believer in the miracles of prayers. Friends if you are reading, this, pause for a little while, say a little prayer for this writer, she firmly believes, God provides and makes all things possible.. God Bless!!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Be still, listen..... and there He is....
Feel...... that gentle breeze .....
so utterly soothing...He is present......

Detox! Flush out Negativeness!!


There is no more safe haven in this cannot even pee or do your business away from prying eyes, especially Cyber and electronic peeping Toms, (did you read about that camera planted in the ladies loo and that too in a secondary school ?????sick people with sick minds  think life is one big  cheap thrill,  sadly, they are a growing boys are committing atrocities , skipping school to commit rape??? and one of the three is a young  13????(local media report)Think!!!how can we stop this sickness?????  Do not think Home is safe... Home  privacy are being invaded, compromised....ears and eyes are planted everywhere.........sure,  for safety reasons, but it could so easily be this the price we have to pay, for advancement and progress?? Is this the world, we want -for our children and theirs???

Now, more than ever, we need to protect our young minds and souls.....that innocence and goodness  is preserved.  Be instrumental in giving them good upbringing, that they grow up straight and not crooked. Now more than ever, we need to instill good religious and family values.. good morals .that our young people,  and adults......yes, adults......ourselves as well.....strive to walk with God in our hearts , dispelling and overcoming  life's negativeness and dark challenges.  Peace starts with putting God in the centre of our lives; only than, can we differienate between right and wrongs, good and bad, .....observing and keeping life's good  values and virtues, respecting the rights of others. We need a safer enviroment, we need the peace of knowing our young ones and even ourselves are in no danger wherever we might be...

People! Parents! Teachers! be instrumental in bringing about a better world.....start from home and school!!!!

Friday, August 5, 2011


Never, never give up, challenges is what life is all about, and when you finally reach the top, ah! what a great feeling!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Keep Active

Marie is going for a fishing trip, fishing for an Autumn  fixed income. If  that comes, well and good,if not what's wrong in being  self-employed-??..... simple hawkering..could proved rewarding. Her mum -in-law 's  fried chicken, and chicken curry,  were the best in the world and she has picked up much of her people!  lend your support  .............don't shy, shy, away!!!!!

God leads.. She will allow nature to take its course....for now, she is enjoying all the time in the world to do whatever she wishes, be part of whatever activities she has an interest with friends....pour her heart into her writing. Truth be told....since, she stopped working, time has been short.....she wished there were 36 hours in a day and not 24! 

Autumn here,  is not one to stay behind the scenes......God helps those who help themselves!!!   

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Self Examination

Stop for a moment, take a good look at the view before and around you....are you in the right place,  walking in the right direction........are you at peace with yourself?? 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Religion has become  crucial in today's living; we need God like never before....we need the spirit of truth.....sincerity and good hearts to journey along with us, that we do not get choke up with life's pollution, and lose ourselves along the way....