Sunday, August 28, 2011

Touch, Go and Touch Again

We call him the Touch and Go Priest, that's Father William Michael, who came to  Our Lady of Lourdes, Klang for a short spell. It was a stop over , en route his journey to Canada to further his studies.Is it already two months? Indeed he "Touched" and now He is on the "Go". For every destination, for every presence, there is a reason and an enriching experience....a beautiful entry into our journal of life....Thank you...

And we welcome Father Surain  Doraj Raj  into our midst......Prayers ,  he has  asked...priests too are human, they too are journeying and needs the strength and guidance of God.. in their mission to serve....  His call is... walk in confidence in theLord God ,  keep Him firm  in our daily living...... . Sometimes, it is the simple which inspires ...the sincerity ...which touches..Welcome Father..

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