Saturday, November 26, 2011

Learning Curve-OLL

Never knew, this Blogger would say this, but  wonders of wonders, catechetics  ( is that the correct spelling????) is actually getting quite interesting and a source of rich knowledge and information.  Can't say the same for the longer mass hours though, but then again, we have begun to built the longer hours into our weekend  routine, and she guess before long, it will become norm. .  We are also called to think and feel with the church and if shepherds are vigilantly  passionate about preserving God's  green pasture -ever  beautiful and in great shape,...., sooner or later the enthusiasm will rub off on the parishioners as well. One thing for sure, whatever the rumblings, certainly won't be about  the Eucharistic celebrations, nor the  homilies  and the way, they were being dished out.....We are indeed blessed. 

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