Friday, August 31, 2012

A Parish honours the Nation

As  we celebrate 55 years of Merdeka today  let's recall our nation's achievement and all the  memories it holds, not just selected memories but all that had taken place...let us celebrate today, with  a prayer for the  nation   .... voice of  the parish priest

This morning's 7.30a.m. mass was a  special mass celebrated for the nation... ..a time to love and honour country and homeland...As Nation and people....we have come far...we first walked as babies....we became adults in one muhibbah spirit  and today...we have reached the milestone of 55 years together...and we pray that peace, harmony and friendship join hands with wisdom  and accompany us into the future... where the grounds grow more solid and stable -a homeland that abounds with laughters, goodness aplenty...for our children..and theirs....

After mass...

Voice of the Parish Priest...Face the National flag and  sing the Negara Ku.....and sing...we did ...As the voices rose up patriotically ...the feel good feelings flew in   ...indeed we are Malaysians and proud to be one. Only the Negara Ku does that to you...Only the Negara Ku could invoke and arouse such emotions  that can only be pride of belonging and love  for this Nation, this country...we call home!

Happy Merdeka!!

Monday, August 27, 2012


26th August 2012-Restoran Taman Rashna Klang

Farewell Dinnrr cum Fellowship for Rev Father David Arulanatham

Rev Michael Chua
down memory lane with
F. David & everything good
 Myanmar  farewell 
Jessie Goh Organising Chairperson
words of appreciation
Guests of honour F.David
70 tables strong crowd and the people bid you farewell Rev!! ... That was some army of friends and well wishers for a farewell dinner. Amazing!! Does speak  volumes for the man behind his  priestly attire and the power of  friends and people support behind the scene!!. "If you want to show your appreciation to Father David ...clap loud and hard with your whole heart" . Believe it or not,  that came from our Rev Michael Chua!!! And did the hall rang  with thunderous applause this  night!

YT do not know your own score and the number of "likes" you have have an occasion like this....hei , Rev.Traveller!   You came and touched plenty of hearts and now...other tasks awaits ...the good Lord calls you to Tampin. We wish you the best-keep your warm heart burning with love for your Author and the flocks, He has entrusted into your care!.

Oi! Oi! Revs!~! Eyes over
here please!!
An appreciation in poetry
And we pray for our priests!!
Jessie Goh..organising chairperson... couldn't have put it better... David Arulanatham, came to OLL as  assistant priest  .... now , he leaves us as REV. Father David Arulanatham...a full fledged  priest  with his own parish to shepherd- The parish priest of  St. John Vianney, Tampin. Congratulations again Rev! . Surely...the care bear in you will rise to the occasion and endear yourself to your new  parish in no time..
One for the album F. David
 with altar servers

Youths with their sazzy number
Joining the East Malaysian brethren
on stage were the priests and sisters!!
It was entertainment  galore this night...the different ministries were ...all eager to express their appreciation to someone who has been more than a priest... a good friend . Dances, songs, jokes...a Michael Jackon ...someone even wrote him a poetry in Tamil...hei, honourable MC! Was it something  along the lines of...We are going to miss you Father David?? We thoroughly enjoyed the lively show by our East Malaysian brethren  ...and they even got the priests and our religious sisters...swinging to the beats of their lovely..farewell .song. Not to be outdone......the youths almost brought the house down with their very upbeat and fiery number. Hoh! Something to cherish in your memory eh Rev?? Looks like someone has to give the organising team a huge huge heartfelt Thank you  hug  ..That was some farewell! That was some show!!!

Hei guys, what's happening
 over there??
Something else to clear up
with the Rev
#The affection between the two priestly buddies were quite full of praises for his Mentor and the other..putting affection into action...
Goh Brothers-Words
for Father David

*****If this writer may say so..the Mentor -.Care Bear (1) looked almost forlorn when YT moved to greet him this evening. So are going to be alone...He paused  answers, answers.....and guys...he definitely look a little lost hmm....sad was the word.....  folks!...let's not forget the human in our lone shepherd ...the labour is definitely heavy...but the supporting hearts of the flocks under him will make a difference....Hei Rev Care Bear I - Cha Yeow !! (Energize!!) 
Alan Goh -emceeing 

The Organising Team
-the labour behind
the Big Do..with the guest of honour
yes. yes.the parish
priest as well!!

Quote of the night: I  do not want to MC another farewell. I hope there will not be another farewell in OLL  for a long, long time...that's from Alan Goh...the night's MC .

 People's views- We echo that!! Nobody like goodbyes and  lately there has been too many in OLL . 

YT says: Let's close down the "Touch and Go" station in OLL!!
Flap those hands

Hi, there friends!
Smile for the camera!!
A farewell love token
Traffic Jam on the way out
Engrossed-Great show!!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Mary, Holy Mother


Are there really Catholics who leave the church because we are giving too much honour to  the Holy Mother??How sad! How tragically sad! My first thoughts, were impossible! Not Catholics! However, it is a well known fact that some Christian brethren of other denominations have their reservations...I have  heard plenty, some felt  that we are giving too much reverence to the Mother instead of the Son. Many were outright critical. The Lord Jesus is what Christianity is all about. He opens the way to the Father. Indeed! Undeniable fact and Catholics would be the first to acknowledge that fact. Remember, our origins dated right back to the source- the Lord Jesus and the appointment of Peter as the first shepherd of Christ's Church....the first Christians-people who respect and honour the Lords's mother as much as they acknowledge, love  and accepted Jesus as the Son of God and their Lord and God.

 In every way too, the Mother revered her Divine Son, no where was it stated that she did otherwise. She was his most devoted and ardent supporter and follower.. My thoughts were -would the Lord fault us if we pay respect and shower love on His earthly Mother-she the first disciple and mother of  her Son's church?? She, who told us to do everything that her son asked of us?? She, who is the model of family and home. Most of all, the handmaiden  who put full trust and faith in God...she whom the angel Gabriel proclaim " Hail full of grace...the Lord is with thee" ?? 

Could we disown  the mother??  She, who found  great favour with God, the vessel , chosen to bring the Saviour and Redeemer into the world that God and man may be reconciled and reunited?? She, the unifying and strengthening force of the early Christians, the mother, they looked up to for focus and guidance, the calming force...those trying and anxious times after the crucifixion?.....She, who was with the faithful when the promised Counsellor -the Holy spirit first came upon the first Christians waiting for his coming?

Just as she was  the vital instrument , bringing  the Saviour into the world,  so too, was she  very much the devoted engine who got the Christian church going, and growing in the name of her son, the Lord Jesus Christ. hence church began  with her as Mother.

YT believes that in the Blessed Virgin Mary,  there is always present, The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit . She is also the absolute  mother when we needed her. People! her role and mission is very much the Lord Jesus, right from the beginning. Give glory to God, carry out the works of  her son... nothing for herself. To the people who do not honour and respect this beautiful model of faith... do they ever wonder, why didn't God just transport the Christ into the world, He could just zap his fingers and all will be done.....why through this humble virgin-Mary?? To YT, it is obvious, God wants her, Mary to play a vital part in  his plans for mankind... And so, would He condone that we cast her aside?? Wouldn't  He  be pleased that we show love and respect, to Mary whom He favours??I do not know about you guys but  personally, YT  feels safe  and blessed with the unceasing grace and prayers of this lovely builder of faith , she  personally knows  as the  Holy Mother of God. And Jesus, Lord,  will always stand in prominent front, because He is the Christ; the foundation and meaning of  Christianity, the Redeemer, who bridged the way to the Father. Without the Lord Jesus, there is no Christianity. Are we not  a part  of  His Holy Body, members of his holy church? Do we not celebrate the holy Eucharistic in memory of   Jesus the Lord??  In Mary, Holy Mother, we recognised her as the  mother of the Lord, worthy of   immense love , honour and respect.

YT, definitely has  great faith in her powerful intercessions, love  and  cherish grace.  Hei folks! Even when the Lord was here, remember the wedding in Cana?? the servers went to the Mother for assistance, and He out of love for her, changed water into wine. I always consider love, honour, respect  to the Holy Mother as observing the commandments "Honour thy father and mother" Isn't she the mother of the Lord and our mother as well??.  

Monday, August 13, 2012

Tamil Catholic Community Kapar

Catholic Chapel @ Kapar

Sunday, afternoon, at 3.30p.m., I was at the newly  renovated (well not so new, now -was it around 3 years ago, the renovations??) chapel in Kapar, joining the Tamil community in  their Eucharistic celebrations. A mass in Tamil...The 60 odd congregation were all smiles and excludes such warmth! Being a thorn among the roses... has its own advantages. Those lovely people, sure do their best to make you feel at home. Thanks people!

Catechism & RCIC
Secondary level catechism
I learnt  a little more today, what giving and caring is all about. Before mass, I had the opportunity to have a "look see" of the chapel and its facilities. The chapel was nice, real nice. At the back of the chapel, in another building lies the area, designated for catechism classes and RCIC. Three to four sessions of catechism classes were on. Students ranging .from kindergarten till secondary level. RCIC for children was also in progress. All in- around 20 odd children and young adults were in the building. One classroom  was all cramped up, but nobody seemed to notice...two teachers dressed in their Sunday best were diligently teaching and the children. appeared  appreciative and attentive. The small room must be uncomfortable and hot..but they took it in their stride. Serving means accepting the environment and making the most of the situation and facilities....Obviously, these volunteers got that special calling to do just that.

Tamil homily with Father David
Hello! Rev  good to see you!!
Mass commenced at 3.30p.m. with Father David as the celebrant. 
And we observe mass
Our Lady-Serene wearing a lovely
jewelled crown on her head 
Surprisingly,  it wasn't  really that difficult to follow the mass celebrations, language aside. The Homily was actually quite interesting...even though I could not understand Tamil. The expressive hand gestures and  the speaking facial expressions  of the celebrating shepherd, brought in some measure of I wasn't completely lost. Of course, it helped that I had attended the Sunset mass at OLL the day before....The sixty odd congregation  comprising the elderly, adults, youths and children were totally absorbed in the message dished out during the homily. One thing for sure...nothing less than what we have in our regular week end masses. - no lacking , no difference whatsoever.....a full fledged mass celebration was observed. The  congregation were really, really all ears, you could see from their facial expression and attentiveness. It is not something we regularly  see . You know, sometimes,  YT  herself, loses her focus but these people were really into it! Father David must have felt very proud of his Kapar flocks yesterday and he was obviously, much loved and respected by the congregation there . Reward of priesthood!

Moments with the Rev
Warm ,very friendly community.  When asked  how long, they had been praying at the chapel, an elderly lady shared that they had been coming to pray at the chapel for more than 20 years... That long?? Yes, she answered...since the time of Father Benedict...WHO?? And guys, ...a number of them were gushing their appreciation of Father John (now at Church of Visitation, Seremban ) ..appeared, he had done much to get their chapel extended and renovated. Sort of re boosted their vitality-given new lease of life to the chapel and its activities. Even the statue of the Holy Mother standing at the inner portion of the chapel was from Our Lady of Lourdes, Klang ?? Really?? News to this writer.  The chapel was  sparkling clean, spacious and airy. Came with the fourteen station of the cross...a beautiful holy sanctuary., complete with flowers, sufficient seats,  IT facilities, mike and a mini projector as well!    The satisfaction must be immense for priests able to  renew the  faith of those under their charge ,  have the ability to carry out the works entrusted them-.fulfilling basic needs for continuance of faith formation., like this unit in Kapar.  Hmmm .....sure got Father J one very firm and shinning footprint in  Kapar!

After mass-one for the album
Kapar Chapel observed mass on Fridays -8.30p.m. and Sundays, 3.30p.m. (unless there are feast day celebrations in the main church in Klang) besides that, they also have bible classes, rosary., catechism and RCIC classes The youths  conduct their activities in the chapel building on Fridays after the bible classes. Their  activities include  prayer meet and  problem solving -youths help each other resolve problems.  Interesting!  Active BECs too- they actually have four BECs going under the Kapar zone ...BECs closer  to the chapel hold  their rosary meet at the chapel; those further away..observed them at the homes of individual members. Now don't they have an almost complete "must have" routine of church norm and activities??

Thanks Father David for the opportunity to be part of the Mass celebrations in Kapar. Guys, I always thought, priests have  it easy, but hei, serving is really hard work, you belong to others, all the time -your flocks first before you could claim right to  yourself...........How many of us have  got what it take to place self last and others first??? Not easy, not easy..but then who says doing God's work is easy???You need a special calling.......You need strength, you need stamina and yes, people, you need God in you!!


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Life's Lessons

I am done  with rose tinted-glasses...
 idealistic expectations,
Roses without thorns..
Gardens without weeds,
Perfection all the way..

Life! Great teacher
What a disciplinarian you are!
Like a great  Kung Fu master,
demanding respect and honour
Every student who comes to you.

Oh! how rigorously you whacked
 every ounce of resistance out of me..
every bit of ego,
that blurs my vision
and obstruct my learning...

You made me walk on humble grounds
Lift heavy weights and carry
them around
Toughen those shoulders
and muscles
you'd  relentlessly say...
It's strength that pave the way...

Life! how you mock my sufferings
and pain..
How bitter your indifference...
My cries of distress;
Are you weeping again you'd admonish
when  hurt overflowed in tears...
Toughen up! Toughen up!
You bellowed and chastened
Quit wearing  your heart
on your sleeve!

I understand now
why you always say
Tears are like rain....
good for growth...
to release and then live again...
Stronger and renewed-
Too much and it destroys...

Rose tinted glasses..sweet illusions!
I bide you farewell...
I have entered a new milestone
with  reality leading the way...
Everything comes with a price..
Heaven comes after overcoming
Life!  bitter, yet sweet
A journey of continuous  lessons-
The gathering field of salt and wisdom
I salute you, yes, I do salute you !!

By Marie Lee

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Birthday Girl!

I'M  crossing into yet another time zone !!

When someone prays for you- especially on your birthday, that's joy, that's blessings!!  Family, siblings too! 

Thanks Father David!



After a tiring  self pampering day, her annual norm-guess what YT found in her letterbox???
The unexpected feel good booster!!
Hei, thanks guys!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Lord and Me

Power Source of all Wisdom, Knowledge and Words ..this day, I concrete unto Thee...a private petition...a conversation just between You and me....Your hand Lord...I so tightly's your Presence that will see my journey  safely through!! Thank you Lord!!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

A Sunset Musing

How much is enough?? How much before  satisfaction burp ENOUGH !!-with a flash of contented smile and a good circular tummy rub of satisfaction?? Only God knows!! Folks, take that literally! 

Father Michael Chua was speaking about  satisfaction level yesterday need for chewing...YT had been there...satisfaction changes with circumstance and the times...yah, it certainly does... joy rarely simmers  for very long....the yearnings and wants...-it's never ending.....want to challenge that statement???Reflect back on your own lives..people, how long does satisfaction remain after each achievement and attainment??? You climb up one step and then you clamour for the next and  the next and the next.. ..xtra....only natural right??? Oh humans that we are!!  

But, what actually got YT chewing was  that portion  which drew reference to  the Bread of Life. A reflection on the answer the Rev gave when he was asked in jest, what he wanted for his last meal., and he answered  "the body of Christ" ( are you guys aware, he was in hospital with denggi fever, for a whole week??? ) Lucky someone gave him juice from papaya leaves  - that,  to YT is 99.9%   effective!!  .

I thought that was a perfectly wise answer, given the circumstance. Isn't it .....isn't the body of Jesus- the antidote of death...the power that gives life?? Each time YT thought of the thief...who stole his way into heaven...she could not help but marvelled  at the intelligence and  wisdom. of this very smart thief..who got an express one way ticket into heaven because,he stole the heart of the Lord Jesus, before the spirit yields to the Father! Smart move, right place , right time -wise  decision and viola!  How simple and yet...many are still unconvinced. Tragic! 

Got YT thinking...yes, ...the Body of Christ, as the last meal..could very well send in a host of angels to escort the departing soul into heaven!! I am not going to say death., because if you have heaven waiting for is life..Leaving this world, .will no longer  be a frightening experience...instead, it would  be a joyous transit from earth into higher realm. Hmmm...

Friday, August 3, 2012

Jesus loves me!

This came in through my email. So beautiful, I would like to share with all...Yes, Jesus loves us, even if we are old....all the when the going gets tough, call in rein-enforcement - the love of Jesus to see you through another day...another week, another month....another year....

"Senior version of Jesus Loves Me"

Jesus loves me, this I know,
Though my hair is white as snow
Though my sight is growing dim,
Still He bids me trust in Him.
Angel Welcome Angel Picture 

Though my steps are oh, so slow,
With my hand in His I'll go
On through life, let come what may,
He'll be there to lead the way.

When the nights are dark and long,
In my heart He puts a song.
Telling me in words so clear,
"Have no fear, for I am near."

When my work on earth is done,
And life's victories have been won.
He will take me home above,
Then I'll understand His love
 I love Jesus, does He know?
Have I ever told Him so?
Jesus loves to hear me say,
That I love Him every day.