Thursday, August 9, 2012

Life's Lessons

I am done  with rose tinted-glasses...
 idealistic expectations,
Roses without thorns..
Gardens without weeds,
Perfection all the way..

Life! Great teacher
What a disciplinarian you are!
Like a great  Kung Fu master,
demanding respect and honour
Every student who comes to you.

Oh! how rigorously you whacked
 every ounce of resistance out of me..
every bit of ego,
that blurs my vision
and obstruct my learning...

You made me walk on humble grounds
Lift heavy weights and carry
them around
Toughen those shoulders
and muscles
you'd  relentlessly say...
It's strength that pave the way...

Life! how you mock my sufferings
and pain..
How bitter your indifference...
My cries of distress;
Are you weeping again you'd admonish
when  hurt overflowed in tears...
Toughen up! Toughen up!
You bellowed and chastened
Quit wearing  your heart
on your sleeve!

I understand now
why you always say
Tears are like rain....
good for growth...
to release and then live again...
Stronger and renewed-
Too much and it destroys...

Rose tinted glasses..sweet illusions!
I bide you farewell...
I have entered a new milestone
with  reality leading the way...
Everything comes with a price..
Heaven comes after overcoming
Life!  bitter, yet sweet
A journey of continuous  lessons-
The gathering field of salt and wisdom
I salute you, yes, I do salute you !!

By Marie Lee

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