Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Year of Faith, my thoughts

We are moving into the year of Faith, and as I listen to the words of faith, shared by people around the world and those who walk in my own circle...I realise one important factor ...the ultimate & total crux is the realization and acknowledgement that we need God in our lives...He lights up our darkness, paving a pathway of Hope which He transforms  into attainment. Hope must crystallised into actuality, or it becomes wind.There is no need for big words...just the simplicity of loving God...and through that very essence of Love...share it with our fellow beings, through actions , words and deeds, which glorifies God and not SELF. Too  many of us stand on the I-Platform  serving self glorification, claiming to be for God... ...too many of us  call ourselves  Christians , yet emits nothing of what Christianity personifies..........

If you ask YT,....I'd tell you, my greatest sin, is lack of power, lack of fuel to keep my light  unshakably firm engine..smooth and in top form.....the ability to stand  tall and burning bright despite rain, shine or storm-in whatever I do.  My greatest shortcoming  is lack of  sufficient faith,'s like the moon.......Fact is , nothing works if faith does not manifest into total trust and belief in my Maker and Author. I must be able to abandon...leave everything in His Hands...and then just Trust as He leads me...but somehow...the Sarah in me..wants to walk my way...and I guess He just indulges and say..."as you wish child, we'll go your way"...

I look upon the Year of  Faith as a time to re-examine the depth of my own faith and Bible literacy, most important of all- the reason I am in this pasture....(Today I realise...I am here because.....I am one of His own and He calls into His Pasture, His Care and Providence. Speaking for me alone...Methinks He knows, I cannot survive out there on my own...I am just too weak and I lose my direction easily...and He doesn't want me out there in the cold..lost..uncared and unloved and I am just so grateful..) ... One thing for sure faith is nothing unless you are able to steadfastly preserved it..truly believe in its essence...and  you are able to share its tremendous  energy with others to create more believing energy  that your light stands like a beacon for others to find their way back into the pastures and be reunited with their Lord and God. 

In every Faith community, Faith is an ongoing thing...but there is truth in what  one clergy once said......the year of faith has a duty, a responsibility  to the people of the pasture first..evangelise and heal  the lost and the sick within the fold first... strengthen and nurture them with the  good food of Christ, the light of Christ....... understanding  His teachings...impart and instil  good knowledge, that they the servants and the people of God may be filled with  the Spirit, the love, the wisdom, the good  energy, essence and resourcefulness to  lead others back into the Kingdom of God. Can anyone hope to lead the faith  procession, if they themselves were poor in spirit ,health,  trust and  belief in God?? If they do not know for sure who their God is???Can anyone hope to activate  faith in others , if they themselves were not filled with the knowledge and essence of the Word of God??

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