Wednesday, March 20, 2013

My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
 Matt 27:46

If the Lord could be put to such a test for the sake of mankind, so will created Beings be tested and challenged throughout their journey. That's the toll, they have to pay, for the privilege of  life time in this humongous  Amusement Park of life. 

The spiritually strong survive the tests and their good works lives on, way after their physical frame had turned to dust .....The weak fades like the neon lights at the break of day..

You can't stop the waves, but you can learn
to surf.
Every word, every action, everything endured by the Lord is a lesson..a lesson of what life is. Whatever decided by the Lord God will come to pass. You will just have to learn to deal with life's unpredictability and keep rising up to the challenge. Do what is expected of you well. You are expected to do no less.

To understand life is to see the Kingdom of one is free from pain, sufferings,sickness and is a universal thing, not restricted to any specific person, race, creed or status.. 

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