Thursday, October 24, 2013

Lone Star

A lone star set on its course-
the master of the galaxy.
A  voyage predestined ;
paths charted-
And yet, vulnerable,
neither shield nor armour!

The storm and tempest, 
the searing heat,
cold -crippling, desolation;
And the pirates of the seas-
Oh Master!
I'm but a lone voyager,
out in the open seas!

A course, 
So fraught with challenges
The elements ,
the anxieties of the unknown- 
Day and night
knocking and rocking 
at my tranquillity...

My heart grows faint,
solitude gets to me.
My sight dimmed
It's just me and the
big, wide, blue seas.

Oh! for a worthy soul mate, 
A gallant,faithful heart,
Strength,I could turn to,
To shield, combat and 
the darkness - the fears
the setting sun..
Calm the tempestuous seas
Clothing me with  serenity,
Eden! Peace, 
Oh!  that you cherish me!

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