Thursday, November 7, 2013

Destiny talk

What will be, will be, that's what describes Destiny. You will end up where you are meant to be. I was always told, you cannot fight the hand of God. Truly, I believe BUT there is no rule which says that getting to where Destiny is,  should be monotonous . There is nothing which prevents you from  laughing  at the little humour, He sometimes throw your way; add in a little spice to pep up your everyday. .

You do not need  to restrict the D to white and black only-surely, she  would welcome a wardrobe of  colourful  clothes. Do you know why one day in a week is set aside for rest? Religious obligations must not be forgotten BUT, the purpose is very time for the relaxation, bonding  and the enjoyment. That applies in the journey of life. A gardener can be immensely happy tending his garden and watching the flowers bloom. Do you think, he is only there to pull out the weeds? How dull will life be!

Everything is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration, so does that mean it is all work and no play? Successful people work hard but they also play hard . They drive the wheel of passion, and they know how to keep the balance.

We cannot fight destiny, but we can decorate and line  our pathways with the beauty which delight our eyes, music to sooth us.. No one say you can't. have one of those modern technology hook up to your ears, as you plough along. The secret is how you look at things and act it out to your achievement..

CAN YOU, OR CAN'T YOU?  The engine of Destiny is already on, climb on board and control the wheels that it reaches its destination in the manner you want it!! God Speed!

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