Sunday, February 9, 2014

Powerful advice

Fr. Stanley
I heard a most beautiful piece of advice today, very motivational, good salt- the simple truth  about LESS negative whisperings, less gossiping and less  hurt to others -basically axing  all the judgemental  thoughts, words and condemnation of others!! 

As I reflected,  even as I listened, I saw flashes of events- the  times when I saw pain on those who were talked about...The times, disgust fills me when others put me in bad light. Natural reaction huh? Folks, think back. When people talk and gossip about us, were not our hearts shattered? But oddly, when others tell us,  "So and so"  did something "aiyoh so shameful lah!"Our ears pricked up and we absorbed all the thrash with glee. We comment freely, without even a thought for the circumstance and the situation that "so and so" might have been in. Maybe...... no,  probably, we will be quick to pass on that "juicy"  information to others and in a jiffy,  it goes over the national broadcast . How many are aware that something else also happens???? The next time, we see that "so and so"...we tend to look at that person with the shades of what was painted of him/her. Ever experience that? Sad yeah? Look again people, do you also see it as -a very subtle (OR???)  way of bullying??.

As I sat together with the assembly of people gathered, I experienced a moment of realisation.  We could be the ones blasted with the bad eggs . What goes round must come round. What then? High possibility-  there will also be many times, others could and will also spin tales of us, slander,xtra , so how would that makes us feel?? Dashed? Pained? Disappointed? That's how the  "talked about" will also feel, people! Truly,  we have to chain our tongues a little. Tongues are  power tools that makes or BREAKS.  Our society, our world is  chaotic enough without the addition of all the negativity. It is time to put on our think, act positive and do positive gears and let everyone take part in this exercise!! If everyone act with more empathy, more heart ,less pettiness, then the world will certainly be  more smiley , less tears and animosity.:)

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