Friday, May 9, 2014


I was browsing  my facebook when  I came across this posting:

Always pray to have eyes that see the best, a heart that forgives the worst, a mind that forgets the bad and a soul that never loses faith.

My response to my fellow facebook fan was:

I'll pray for a soul that never loses faith and eyes that sees only the best. The bad must be remembered to avoid falling into the same pit and as for forgiving the worst- Mustn't let the wicked feel that they could get away with murder!!

We are taught that a good person always forgives. My belief is that if one forgives too much, others will look upon you as a doormat. Let others know, you are nice, your are helpful, yes, but nice and good has a limit. Do not allow others to treat you as a doormat to step on and wipe their dirt off you all the time. If you do that, you will be labelled as "useless fellow, stupid, no brains. Bash him up  lah, he doesn't mind!". You will be treated as a 'yes' slave to be make used of. ( I've heard people called these nice people idiots and useless behind their backs and I used to feel sorry for these kind souls.)  But people say, they asked for it, because they are just too weak-not capable of being their own person. They hang around people who treats them bad. A bit of bashing is good to wake them up. What do you think? 

If you are one of these nice people, just try to say 'no' and wait for the reaction of  people who thrive on your good nature. You will probably get lambasted with nasties. People do not like listening to truths, but if being nice get you the 'stupid' label, if being nice, gets you kicked around like a ball, for goodness sake, stand up for yourself. Get this fact straight! There are some people, you just do not need in your life. They are like termites!!

You can still be a good person, even if you let others know you have a mind of your own.  Forgiveness is good, it is a wonderful virtue but too much of forgiveness is never good for anyone. It is like spoiling the child and the tree gets more and more crooked by the  day. The relationship is slanted to one direction, away from you and not for you. It is out of joint-not balanced   Let others know that you too are human and humans have feelings. Let others know, you are equal to them, not beneath them!  Let people know, you have a right to sit on that chair and not on the floor!! Get into the act people,  get the respect you SO deserve. Remember , life is about give and take, there is no need to give all the time!

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