Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Spirit, Body, Mind and Soul

I have been asked to reflect on the Spirit, Body, Mind and Soul relationship. I have always been interested in this topic. I recalled that more than 10 years ago, when blogging and the cyber thing was just sprouting buds, I had started a page  with that specific heading but due to the difficulty of internet connection, I left it to waste. Before I knew it , that "Spirit, Body, Mind and Soul' became a familiar sight in the media columns and in cyber space and I thought wow! that must be a powerful subject matter, I've picked. Indeed it is, it has become a part of contemporary studies, something, the current world is trying to understand better.

Years ago, when I picked on that specific subject title for my blog page, I envisage the whole package of  the total human existence in the body and physical frame, empowered by the Spirit , the Mind and the Soul  with the  subconscious and conscience fully embedded. I believe that the spirit, soul, conscience and the mind enjoy a unique  connection, a special relationship  with the divine. The solid foundation is the power source which we are all a part of and that  dispenses energy for the survival, the existence and the journey from birth to death..

The human part of us-that  is the body complicated with  the full range of emotions , the bloody mass of feelings, senses, yes life itself -susceptible to the ravages of time, weakness, disease and the cycle of the seasons. Humans are given the mechanism of the thinking and discerning mind, the Will Power, so to speak to decide their course of action and direction. Somewhere along the line, (or is it right from the beginning, when Adam and Eve disobeyed God and stole from the tree of knowledge?) Perhaps at that precise moment, Greed, Self and Ego became a part of Man.  They are driven from Paradise into the earthly realm where darkness and light, is part of living. 

I've have always been fascinated by the night and day thing and their implications to human living. There is a whole aspect of the yin and the yang to explore, discover and understand. I find sense in the teachings of balance. Humans are  a composition of  goodness and darkness. Goodness is retained from the creator and the darkness encrusted when greed and disobedience took over at the point of  the original sin and that becomes more amassed in everyday living. Therefore there is the constant need to preserve balance. 

Because, the body ages and decay with time...health and other factors moves in.. The human body is unique, it grows and progresses with time-goes to the peak and from then onwards the decline. Very much like the flowers you see in your garden, first  the buds, then the awesome bloom and before you knew it had faded; decay had set in and soon they are no more. Everything has a set pattern..observe the seasons, the spring, summer, autumn , winter and then comes spring again..Reflection of the cosmic life cycle. Our body mechanism is only set for a lifetime and it runs on the mechanism of time. The stages of  baby, teen, adult and then the senior, autumn  years advancing into winter and sunset years. Life's warranty on the body and its function-ability  runs out. It stops, no longer  functioning and we  bow out.


 To be continued..

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