Thursday, September 4, 2014


Just deleted a post. As I dug further, I see more things, just 
as Salman Rushdie mentioned, the fragments somehow brings in the larger picture, larger than you expect. As I see with an adult eye, and reflected on those days gone past, many of my beliefs take on  different shapes-other pictures emerged and somehow the original got trampled beneath. Some of my memories, have been laced with naive beliefs and imagination. To be sure, there were loads of true facts but  other things came in.. Things, I so appreciate in my childhood days, sort of dulls when I begin to dust away the cobwebs. Clearer became something else, which you have to come to terms with. I reckon it is better to leave them high up on their elevated platform.

I prefer not to explore further. I prefer not to see overly much. You may ask why, but those mis - beliefs of yesteryears were really the joys of my childhood days, so why try to dust them  too much . They were beautiful and I would like for them to remain beautiful in my memory.

Now that I know the perils of the underground tour, I have decided to opt out. of the expedition.  Makes no sense, shaking the solid and firm foundation of  yesteryears, when all I heard were happy laughters, love and care.. What do I care if imaginative and childish beliefs littered the foundation of those early years?  Frankly the faith that I had built on, largely came from the appreciation, gratitude, of the the sheltering, God, and God's people showered upon me  as a kid and they were just too wonderful to be torn apart and destroyed. Too much light isn't always good.

Therein lies my values, my beliefs . Therein lies that firm direction which had lead me to God and I would like it to remain steady, till at last I sit and enjoy the serenity of a cosy sunset, trusting fully  that His presence lead me safely home. .

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