Monday, December 8, 2014

Political Correctness, the way I see it..

The Rumain  Brisbon's case has America questioning whether being politically correct is taking away the democracy of America and eroding its firm foundation., perhaps leading her to her ruin. What is this Political Correctness , they are so concerned about?
  1. the avoidance, often considered as taken to extremes, of forms of expression or action that are perceived to exclude, marginalize, or insult groups of people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against. (Source internet) 

Political correctness has the implication that  if you say the wrong things, and hurt the feelings of others. You get penalised or charged in court. You are  placed in this little box of  what is allowed and what is disallowed . Today, the Platform of Political Correctness is so huge that Truth and Reality can no longer be spoken in its pure form but in its painted and sugar coated form. - perhaps off black and  off White, which ever suits the circumstance. .Thoughts, speech, actions and so forth becomes limited within  the constructed 'niceties'. You really do not want to offend others, or their ideologies. Diplomacy is the order of the day. This type of diplomacy, rein you in, cage you within acceptable constraints.Theirs!!

Is Political Correctness, taking away human  freedom - the aspect of  language, thoughts-speech, action and so forth? Is Political Correctness, making robots out of us? Have they turned us into controlled species, with limited  freedom of thoughts,.no fashion wear except  theirs?  You are constantly being monitored, your source of thinking  is beamed in from their Control Centre.

Remember the days when the words of  Mum and Dad  are law in the home front? We had more family harmony and respect for the elderly  then. Remember, the days, when schools melt out discipline and parents would applaud? No body make police reports, Neither did they drag you to court.  Now?  We talk about FEELINGS above teaching of the right and wrong, the moral and cultivation of  character.Still wonder why the home front, society and community are in such a mess now? Someone invented the PC word!

Once upon a time, we could talk  more freely. Words do not  carry so many  implications or dubious meanings.. If we have no intention, others will not read our remarks or expressions as having racist or other negative connotations. People are less sensitive. They  do not think we threaten their  peace.  Now everywhere you go , every  topic you broach -race, religion, politics, everyday living- it comes with a cautionary note Please be  Politically Correct.  :
I could write a whole book.  ' Politically Correct ' is big business now....the media is full of that word, the world is all for it.....The conscious  too petrified to speak against it!!! 

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