Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The secret to success

Have you noticed the difference between the achievers and the none achievers? One group is full of self belief, very capable but most important of all, they do not let opportunity slip past their fingers. They catch and hold on to whatever opportunities that comes their way. They are strong and determined and they will not allow another person to take away what they deemed is rightfully theirs and have worked hard for. The other group the under or the non-achievers often are often equally brilliant and have all the opportunities. They are capable people too, but what they lack is the focus and determination to lay claim to what should rightfully be theirs. For instance, they would turn down promotions or progress in the name of friendship. They are soft and would not do anything to hurt another. They often give away their opportunities and so they end up stagnant and UNprogressive. One tip given to me is, to succeed, you need to have a black heart and a thick face. Chin Ning Chu may have a point there. Many people have learnt the tricks of the trade from Chin and came up tops. It would seemed Generosity and kind heartedness has no part in the game of success. Lay claim to all opportunities open to you and make sure, you get them and not allow another person to touch your piece of cake. Banish the feelings of guilt if you want to win. Achieve and accomplish. Leave feelings in another room. What is important is your goal and your success.

Now, I'm not very sure if that is good for people relations, or what it does to the heart,and the consience but I do know that more often than not, the heartless and the strong willed are always high achievers. In addition, they are also more successful and richer in terms of material wealth and so are better providers to their family and loved ones. There are choices to be made here. If you want to be the goody, goody, plenty of conscience, you know which side to chose but if success and achievements are what you crave, I have been told that a black heart and thick face is the path to winning. The choice is yours to make. Just make sure, you have the right mental aptitude for such a task, else you would be plagued down by the guilt complex and that could built up stress and take away your well being. I'm learning to be a little more  heartless but so far have not been successful. Perhaps that's why, I have fallen short of my goals. I do not like to fight with others. Guess,  I really need to get more success orientated, otherwise, I will not be able to achieve what  purpose life has ordained me and that would also be sinful. No?

Is it already too late, since many friends have been urging me to slow down and enjoy life?

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