Sunday, February 28, 2010

The grace of Giving

It is more blessed to give than to receive. If you are able to give, it means, you have been blessed with more than sufficient and it is good to share, the goodness and joy around you.

Someone, an Evangelist, a preacher to be precise once told me of the time, he was so down, he could only afford the basic three meals a day, without the frills. He was newly posted to a new pasture and his subsistence had failed to reach him.One day, He was down to his last ten and as he was walking along the road, wondering how to multiply that ten into three tens or a fifty, he was stopped by a malnourished man who asked for a little something to eat as he had not eaten for quite some time now.

Now that was a tough decision. To give or not to give? If he gives, he and his wife would go hungry for that day. But that man looked real hungry. He had that desperate look in his eyes. So he closed his heart to the misgivings rising within him, took the last ten out of his shirt pocket and thrust it into the man's hands and quickly walked away, before he changes his mind;but not before witnessing the tears of gratitude streaming from the man's eyes and his whispered "God Bless you Brother!"

He had a hundred and one excuses lined up for his wife, why he had come home without dinner that evening. But as he neared his house, his wife was there waiting for him, very excited and bursting with news that generous brethren, knowing of their predicament had passed the hat around, and came a calling with food and sufficient resources to keep them afloat for sometime. He was at once filled with gratitude and immediately thank God for the providence. He had given away his last ten, but he received so much more. It was as if God had spoken to him. From that day on, he gave as much as possible, trusting in God. It was his firm testimony, his water jug never ran dry.....The more you give, the more you receive.....

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