Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Wage earners! Never dream of retirement, unless you have sufficient means to live life in the same standards as when you were actively working and drawing a comfortable wage to- at least walk along with the Sams and the Toms of your community, the normal,,ordinary folks like you and me...Yes, you may have to put in a full day's work- five days, six days a week, and you come back tired, and you wish you could sleep in everyday....but hey, you have an identity, a life!- you have your network of friends..you could buy things you need, support your family, take the occasional holiday, you make your own decisions, you are a visible person with a voice which gets heard!

Many people do not realised that retirement means a loss of resources, a cut off from the constant supply of funds which keeps them visible, and vocal. The moment you tell people, you are retired, their questions are, "do you have enough savings to sub stain you, who is supporting etc..etc.. Thought of buying a new car? The bank will not loan you the money if you do not have sufficient deposits as collateral kept safely in their vaults. Try to hold a decent coversation? Dear people! You talk history while others speak "current", and that automatically puts you in the inactive category, people shy away from. Of course, you have the other retirees to sing along with you but...., it could be a pretty lonely affair at the end of the day. Yes, you could have all the rest and all the free time in the world to while away, but is it really good for you? Retirees...unretire yourselves! Be productive!

Never mind what people think....you yourself will realise after some time that your savings are draining off faster than you thought it would. You realised you have lost financial independence and you are no longer able to enjoy the little things in life, you so enjoy. Like the occasional cup of soul lifting coffee with your mates at Star Bucks for instance!And folks, you will find yourself moving further and further into the shadows and losing your voice in the process and that, people can be pretty painful and heart-breaking especially if you not have family support and care. Even if you do have the family support and care, it would not be the same as it were, if you were financially independent. It is the other way round now. You look up to your loved ones for survival instead of "the once upon a time......happier times." Also, it is really not very responsible to depend too much on your loved ones, eh folks? You really do not want to over burden them too much!

Retirement could bring anxieties and stress which could proved fatal, if you are ill-prepared for a life without income. Take an extended break if you need to, folks; but get back to work on the double once you have taken that much deserved break. You could live a happier, healthier and longer life, visible and appreciated!

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