Saturday, March 12, 2011

Uncertainties of Life

Another natural disaster just swipe out more than a thousand lives and with it scores of businesses, homes, properties and people's livelihood.. ....untold sufferings.......JAPAN!!!somehow, one never thought Japan could suffer such damages......sure....natural disasters can occur. just about anywhere.......but somehow, we always thought  Japan would be prepared for  all eventualities.....Guess not...

Even as one realises just  how fragile  and so very temporary life is......we are after all travellers passing through this earthly sphere and must one day return home....this Writer couldn't help but thought of 2012, the end of the Mayan calender.......we do not know what other calamities will occur....especially as nature lashes out more and more in recent times...Which part of the world would be struck next and of what magnitude?? We pray that God in his mercy will continue to protect this beautiful nation of ours and we, the inhabitants of this homeland will be allowed to reside in peace, free to live our lives as we should.

Once upon a time, the mere thought of dying frightens the wits out of Yrs. painful is it......this draining of living breath from a person...???.But ever since faith walked with her...that thought has become less scary.... it is a part and parcel of this journey...fear does nothing to lessen the effect or the  pain ..She no longer worries her head off , what tomorrow brings...because there is no certainty in life.... ...lives are being swallowed by tsunamis , landslides, name it.....we are not in control........God is.......It would be wise to listen well to the words of the Lord....Just live today well what God expects of us and God will take care of the rest...TRUST...

And as she sang the very beautiful the end of mass today, .that God will find a way...she was somehow comforted ...whatever it is that still keeps  her restless...God will fix and He will fix it good. Isn't He the Master of our Destiny??We are also told, God works in mysterious and unexpected ways... Lead the Way Lord......

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