Thursday, March 10, 2011


This is the time of the year, we walk across the bridge of reconciliation, , spring cleaning of self .. fasting and asking for forgiveness..,,be reconcile with our God.. mindful of the fact  ....that ...from dust...we came and some day to  dust we shall return...... This is a journey....not a permanent place of abode and  life's living must be worthy of  the safe passage home..
This is Lent and the arms of God reaches out to embrace those who acknowledges his Lordship, showering forgiveness upon repentant souls and solace upon the down trodden, those  who needed a fresh breath of life to live again...

Even if life is perfect for you , now is a good time to sit down-reflect...., offer thanksgivings, communicate  and spent cherish moments with our Loving something for Him....Present Him with a bag of goodness from  your heart and soul, brethren! Now is the time to abstain from the habit of always asking of the Lord...but for us to return the favour.... give and express our love  in return....repenting, actioning what pleases Him, keeping his wishes and commandments...

May Lent lead you into the peace of Christ, People!

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