Friday, February 17, 2012

How to read the Bible the Catholic Way

Date:16th Feb 2012-Time 8.00p.m.
Venue: Auditorium. Wisma Lourdes- Church of  Our Lady of Lourdes, Klang

 Rev. Father Michael Chua -Parish  Priest
How to read the Bible the Catholic Way.

Does Catholic read the Bible differently  from their fellow Christian brethren???When notice of that workshop appeared in her parish bulletin, this Writer  was  pretty intrigued ,- right away,  she marked it down in her calender as a 'must  attend." If she was curious, so were 350 other parishioners  who joined  Parish Priest Rev Michael Chua for the workshop located at the auditorium of Wisma Lourdes last evening.

Just how  important is the  Word of God-The Living Book  in the doctrines , teachings and practices of the  Catholic church-what role does it play in the life of the church -as in the people of  faith?? Did the leaders of the Church fulfilled their obligation, instilling Catholics with  total Bible knowledge, (lets rephrase -"sufficient"  Bible knowledge-the way they should??? Were the other Christian sects and denominations right in proclaiming that Catholics do not know the Bible, that Catholics do not even read the Bible??? Huge, huge topic which certainly cannot be covered in a two hour information sharing session.  But if this writer could give her two penny worth of thoughts....It was definitely a lecture of worth, worth every second of time invested!  Excellent methodology, an eye opener and a most valuable learning experience!~!
In a nutshell, the Word of God, the Bible  stands FIRM in the center of the Church's teachings just as God stands in the center of our lives. The Word of God is more than the Bible, the Word is God made man. Sure Catholics have plenty of rituals and tradition, but those tradition were from the Bible itself. The Bible is the core, the foundation of the church teachings, whence the  background, the beginning, the history, the teachings, works of faith , miracles and the mission of preaching  the good news...  were recorded and documented to enlighten, motivate, teach  and guide, the  growing force of God's faithful.  Are you aware, People, that the Mass, the Liturgy, the Sacraments, the daily readings, hymns, responses  and  our Catholic prayers are all biblical, all from the scriptures???  Ya!

Catholics, are you aware that The Lord's Prayer, the -Our Father, the Hail Mary are  from the Bible??When you recite the rosary and reflect on the mysteries...those are all biblical? The way of the Cross, the divine mercy prayers...they are all very much scriptural.., we are into the Bible more than we realise, only we do it differently, and not  in the manner of direct memorizing of passages, text. and or coming up with the bible references with one snap of fingers...but we could do that as well ,can't we brethren?? It is only a matter of daily devotion to extensive and intensive Bible reading, in our own private domains and before you know it, you have the Bible at  your finger  tips.
Students who take Bible Knowledge for examinations will tell you, it is no sweat memorizing the whole book of ACTS , the gospel of Luke, Mark or Matthew...They not only know how to quote the scriptures, they can reproduce, word for word the entire text. But no worries, People, no memorizing needed here, the word has a way of  growing  on you...

For the interested:-

The Bible classes at our Lady of Lourdes, Klang, starts on 1st March 2012 and it will continue every Thursday at 8.00p.m. -@ the Bernadette 2 Hall, Wisma Lourdes, until completion. All are welcome. It begins with :- 


Registration is now opened.
For those who wants to be BIBLE SAVVY  or at least know and understand the Bible, head for the registration counters, or check with the Parish's Bible Knowledge Team.

NB: to comment fully on the crux of the evening's workshop would take pages...due to the depth and worth of information and materials.- this blog  is just a light touch on the topic with plenty of personal views from the writer.  

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