Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wings of Eagles

 I have been told, these verses from Isaiah 40:31 are life lines and strength for many sufferers of all forms of cancer; many experiencing healing, just  reflecting and trusting in the promise encased in  these beautiful words......the healthy may not have physical cancers, but many , if not all of us,  have emotional cancers...lost and broken dreams....many still searching ....many still wondering, many still hoping and yet many still find more tears than laughter, along their pathways ........and often strength deserts them......

But they that wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint
ISAIAH 40:31

I personally  found great strength , living strength in these beautiful words of certain fulfillment.   I would like to share it with you, my that you too may find comfort and reassurance......Reflect on this promise, in the quiet of your own space, all you who have emotional scars, emotional cancers.....all, you -out there.....searching for peace, calm and  contentment. Cry a little if emotion overwhelms, do not try to hold back those tears.........because those tears are a release of pain, suffering and anxiety......and it has the wonderful effect of emptying the negative out of your system......letting go...... cleansing and clearing your sight and vision, paving the way for  clarity and  hope to make its entry......for the Word of God to move in, heal and uplifts.  Whatever your wants.,  you who trusts and believe, be assured-God's Promise triumphs in the end...  

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