Thursday, March 29, 2012

Filial Piety of the highest order!

Photo from the Internet
The photos and video of Ting Tsu-chi carrying his mother to the hospital have gone viral. (Internet photo)

This picture came to me in an email and boy, was I moved to bits!!

This picture shows   62 year old Ting Tsu Chi  of Taiwan  carrying his frail mother into the Chi Mei Hospital  and it had gone viral. Who would not be moved and touched by such filial piety! . He gave up an opportunity for promotion and took early retirement so that he could look after his ageing parents.His father had passed on in 2006. Now, his mother had a stroke and had broken her leg and he reckons , a cloth sling carrier would give her less pain.

What tenderness and compassion in his expression! What could be more illustrative, than this picture   "'When I was small, you carry me; When you grow old, I carry you'' ( quoted by a Taiwanese newspaper) Just for the record, he refused to be interviewed, saying what he is doing is entirely his own business. He is right of course!

How many among us could do that in today's world?? 

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