Monday, September 16, 2013

Thoughts for the day.

It is he who made the earth by his power, who established the world by his wisdom and by his understanding stretch out the heavens...Jeremiah 51:15

We are the little puzzles which makes the earth complete ..Which creator, which architect , is more all seeing , clearer in his vision  and wiser in his discernment  and creation , than the Master craftsman who wrote and sculptured  our  very existence? Every existence is crucial, none is less important,  for each have been given their  defined purpose and role on the stage of  earth's living. and yet each has been given a freedom of choice to define his end product. Each little footstep  has been scripted., with the provision "Will" built in.. Therefore is it not wise that the scripted ,walk through every path performing with courage and confidence and yet with great patience? 

No one know where their  paths will lead them, and yet, those who are industrious and trusting in God   are blessed with good fruits and comfort to the ends of their days. It is a blessing-a result of your relationship and bond with God.

Man has been given a mind, brains and a will The frame work has been laid out, the paths drawn...but...the horizons are yet colourless....the individual has to bring in their own colours. Have you fully made used of your given assets, your talents to achieve maximum results in whichever direction you were destined for? 

The fields and the paths  are bare, waiting for  each and every traveller to sow,  beautify , enhance and make fruitful those paths, they travel in . Will you have a beautiful garden or a piece of infertile land? Your will power comes in, you have a freedom to choose...get into the act and  bring in plenty of fruits and blooms -be a joy to others, OR sit and expect the manna to drop from the sky.  The power of choice! . 

Nothing comes easy. Happiness and satisfaction, comes with  alot of sacrifice and letting go of the selfish worldly desires. The attainment of the more worldly, often comes with a dent in personal calm, unless you have learnt the art of balancing.. Strange isn't it that you have to forgo something in order to receive another??. Perhaps it has something to do with the mathematical precision of achieving balance in living. 

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