Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Blog formal or informal language?

There are serious blogs and there are blogs intended to bring in interesting read , the enjoyment plus the information. 

I'm a blogger with a preference for the latter. My aim, is to provide information and a little laughter and for that reason, I use very informal terms to give  similar meanings and message but the choice of words give rooms for a little laugh at the terms used.. you chew and you just do not swallow everything whole....You look for the message behind the words, why were such words used?. You  visualise for example  a person with a whistle, making decisions...and the like. I like to open the windows and doors of minds and give fresh insight. 

Interactive blogs like mine, do away with formal style and language. It is different from factual and serious blogs. It is different from academic text and materials. It is alive, and active, not passive, not dead.. Writing is all about the read and the audience. We really must move with the times and do away with a little of the traditional rules which makes everything  oh! such a ......YAWN !!

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