Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Enjoy and appreciate YOUR God

Inspired by a Homily from Fr. Clarence.

Prayers-should it always be packed with only requests-overflowing with the asking? I truly believe prayers and moments with God should contain plenty of other elements too -that of appreciation, thanksgiving-that of reconciliation and hugging !!

Just asking, asking and more asking. That really sucks!! God is a Father figure, and yes, he is the person of Love himself but does that mean, He is only there to grant requests, ATM of the biggest order? On this very earthly plain of ours, I have heard time and again heard the frustrations of  disillusioned parents. "That boy, he never tires of asking...I don't know, how he is going to manage when I'm gone." I'm sure you too may have heard that line too...maybe even utter them yourselves. God did not create his people  weak and needy. He expects better beings of us just like parents hope and expect great things from their children.

In life's journey, asking comes with giving and loving on your part. When you ask, remember to give in return. Plenty of gratitude. Remember to stop , admire, appreciate and offer thanks.  Life works better  that way. And  Moments with God  for the togetherness and the bonding-can be so beautiful without the need to ask like a broken down recorder. Sometimes, you will just need to stop the asking and  appreciate the presence. You do not want to create a forever needy sphere around yourself. That is Negative! Goodness will first have to penetrate through the thick layer of "I want, I don't have enough, I'm poor" before the showers of blessing can reach you. It takes time. Why not, clear those negativeness around you so that you get direct showers of blessings and goodness??

 Find time and space to be with God-just enjoy the stillness-just welcome in  his presence. Isn't it  totally fulfilling and restoring??. Oft, I have my energy restored just sitting and mediating. I imaging his arms around me and guess what? Energy actually heals and  rejuvenate me. Not a believer??? God is in each and everyone of us. God has no religion. Where God is concerned, everyone is His created- He is, I repeat- God to all his creations-for all.

No religion, race or culture can lay claim to him. He is Universal. We belong to Him, not the other way round!!! All paths lead to Him!

Try this simple experiment. Get away from the crowd....out in the open..or locked inside your room...a place where  the noise of the world cannot reach you. Be still and mediate or in simple terms-find connection with God. Let go of life's baggages....Simply enjoy the peace and tranquillity .Friends,  that can be marvellously revitalising and bonding and you will emerge fresh and strong to continue your journey with renewed purpose!!!!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

New Writers' /Author's Dilemma

I'm prompted to write about this issue, after people I know faced a lot of problems getting their works published- as authors. There are many budding  Malaysian writers and poets out there but very few made it to the top sellers list.The few who made it  are actually  based out of Malaysian soil.

 Few even know how to get around  the red tapes to get their works published. We have many Malaysian publishers ..... But are there any publisher or organisation, willing to help budding writers or  at  least give  them  some directions on the  "how to" aspect of   their completed works, even if they do need to work on polishing up their works?? How many have that type of facilities and the amenities to help the struggling writer, be they  young or old? All they need is a  helping hand  to get them on  that first step. More people are into writing. Young writers want to look at this field as a career. Who knows with the correct polishing and exposure, we could have another J.K Rowling in our midst! Many seniors too, have taken the Writing Road after retirement and it would be a dream come true if their works get published and marketed. It is a matter of -a sense of purpose achieved-but of course-it must be publisher worthy. No one backs the unmarketable, because funds and reserves are involved. So it becomes  a matter for the people's Elects to assist.

There are plenty of grants given out by the government-but are there grants for organisations willing to extend a guiding hand to those who wants to have their  works published? Are there grants for the writers themselves, especially those who venture in, after retirement? Writers in the West have an easier time-more resources and opportunities are opened to them. We are not talking about academic publications. The Educational Institutions takes care of that - but more- the creative and less formal works, packed with literary  imagination, a world out of our world-pages out of " Alice in wonderland".

There have been enough cries of, "lacking in  Malaysian writers, not enough Malaysian writers!"  But are we doing enough to help those who wish to write and can write , first to thrive and then to get recognition?? After all, Malaysian writers too can write brilliantly. The world judge Malaysian writers as -not of international standard. Strangely, Malaysians too are quick to agree likewise.

Standards are mere "constructions". Are we not skilled, qualified and professional enough to formulate good standards?? Do we not see the beauty of our own style? Do we need to mimic and conform to  the style of others, just so that it falls within the definition of world class??? Are our writers really  "below standard"??? Really, we should be more encouraging of our  local writers!! If the quality and substance is not there-provide the education, the skills and the knowledge. Mere criticism is neither productive nor progressive to the advancement of Malaysian writing.

There is a gold mine of  literary wisdom and talent, among Malaysians worth trillions and more. Why then- are there so few Malaysian works  in the market? Is it due to lack of skills or the plain lack of opportunities or- Obstacles put up through the  perception of others  or simply  lack of  confidence and determination of the writers themselves?

A friend recently had his poems self published . It was, in his own words- an expensive and time consuming affair. His,  is a typical case of a gifted writer, faced with the No help  blank wall. Who to go to?  Where to go to?? There is really no HELP Counters for budding writers.These writers have worked hard-put in alot of sweat. It took the passionate  months-for some, even years to come up with their finished product!!.

My friend is luckier- he has the $ to get him on the first step and into the world of Amazon. com . Despite his difficulties-he has achieved  something crucial to his purpose-the satisfaction of seeing his works published and in hard copy. The joy of a dream realised. But  not everybody  is that fortunate  or has that type of means to self publish. Many a dream dies at the door of the publishing houses and what a waste of creativity!! True, My friend can now touch his beautifully bound book...his name standing proudly  on its covers, but somehow the IF stands  wondering.....

 In the writing world, there are also politics to content with, you need to know people, you need the contacts.. If you are looking at writing as a source of income...how sure  are you that the money actually does roll in even after your books are published??? Authors and writers need to have the passion and love to come up with splendid works. Nothing less is acceptable! Money is always secondary. Even Rowling herself faced financial constraints when she first started out.

As a beginner and  novice, be grateful if you are able  to sustain yourself. Forget about the Big Bucks!!!...People need to know you first before they could accept and trust in the substance and the marketability of your works and put you on their payroll. .Start slowly but surely-articles, short stories, blogs, writing competition and the works..I could write a whole book, only ..words are useless...it is the action of  Help Platforms, the opportunities given by the Big Brothers and your own determination that brings to life dreams....Anyone keen on starting a budding authors group??

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Powerful advice

Fr. Stanley
I heard a most beautiful piece of advice today, very motivational, good salt- the simple truth  about LESS negative whisperings, less gossiping and less  hurt to others -basically axing  all the judgemental  thoughts, words and condemnation of others!! 

As I reflected ...no,  even as I listened, I saw flashes of events- the  times when I saw pain on those who were talked about...The times, disgust fills me when others put me in bad light. Natural reaction huh? Folks, think back. When people talk and gossip about us, were not our hearts shattered? But oddly, when others tell us,  "So and so"  did something "aiyoh so shameful lah!"Our ears pricked up and we absorbed all the thrash with glee. We comment freely, without even a thought for the circumstance and the situation that "so and so" might have been in. Maybe...... no,  probably, we will be quick to pass on that "juicy"  information to others and in a jiffy,  it goes over the national broadcast . How many are aware that something else also happens???? The next time, we see that "so and so"...we tend to look at that person with the shades of what was painted of him/her. Ever experience that? Sad yeah? Look again people, do you also see it as -a very subtle (OR???)  way of bullying??.

As I sat together with the assembly of people gathered, I experienced a moment of realisation.  We could be the ones blasted with the bad eggs . What goes round must come round. What then? High possibility-  there will also be many times, others could and will also spin tales of us, slander,xtra , so how would that makes us feel?? Dashed? Pained? Disappointed? That's how the  "talked about" will also feel, people! Truly,  we have to chain our tongues a little. Tongues are  power tools that makes or BREAKS.  Our society, our world is  chaotic enough without the addition of all the negativity. It is time to put on our think, act positive and do positive gears and let everyone take part in this exercise!! If everyone act with more empathy, more heart ,less pettiness, then the world will certainly be  more smiley , less tears and animosity.:)