Wednesday, February 5, 2014

An Afternoon back to the peace and tranquillity of the 50's

There is real potential for local tourism. Over the CNY break, the family and I decided to explore the local scenes. We pick Taiping and its outskirts, the unexplored and unknown.. So long as there is  a signpost, we ventured in. It was an amazing eye opener. On the way in to Kuala Sepetang, we saw this Teluk Kereteng sign. Is there really a "teluk" at the end of the trail? We decided to find out.
Just a short distance in,  there are signs of river side living. Stacks of Mangrove logs were piled by the side of the roads. At the end of the road, we came upon a charming chinese new village, all colourfully decked with the vibrant colours of Chinese New Year. The red packets- angpows were generously hung on the plank houses and  plants. They fluttered gaily in the afternoon breeze. There were large and little lanterns hanging everywhere...a scene out of a movie.We had gone back in time-we were transported back to the 50's.

 We drove pass a small wooden bridge. It was so lovely, we stopped to enjoy the rustic scene. A medium size motor boat lay idle on the banks. At  the opposite side was a large building with mangrove logs piled high. It appears to be a factory of some sort. They were closed for the Chinese New Year festive season. Despite its quiet inactivity- somehow it excludes vibrancy.  Breathtaking tranquil!! .

On the way out, we saw a large half completed boat. So that was what it was- a boat making factory.

What an enriching ride!! It's been a long time, since I tasted such peaceful ambience, Being out, among the beauty of simple living, was really joyous contentment!

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