Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Enjoy and appreciate YOUR God

Inspired by a Homily from Fr. Clarence.

Prayers-should it always be packed with only requests-overflowing with the asking? I truly believe prayers and moments with God should contain plenty of other elements too -that of appreciation, thanksgiving-that of reconciliation and hugging !!

Just asking, asking and more asking. That really sucks!! God is a Father figure, and yes, he is the person of Love himself but does that mean, He is only there to grant requests, ATM of the biggest order? On this very earthly plain of ours, I have heard time and again heard the frustrations of  disillusioned parents. "That boy, he never tires of asking...I don't know, how he is going to manage when I'm gone." I'm sure you too may have heard that line too...maybe even utter them yourselves. God did not create his people  weak and needy. He expects better beings of us just like parents hope and expect great things from their children.

In life's journey, asking comes with giving and loving on your part. When you ask, remember to give in return. Plenty of gratitude. Remember to stop , admire, appreciate and offer thanks.  Life works better  that way. And  Moments with God  for the togetherness and the bonding-can be so beautiful without the need to ask like a broken down recorder. Sometimes, you will just need to stop the asking and  appreciate the presence. You do not want to create a forever needy sphere around yourself. That is Negative! Goodness will first have to penetrate through the thick layer of "I want, I don't have enough, I'm poor" before the showers of blessing can reach you. It takes time. Why not, clear those negativeness around you so that you get direct showers of blessings and goodness??

 Find time and space to be with God-just enjoy the stillness-just welcome in  his presence. Isn't it  totally fulfilling and restoring??. Oft, I have my energy restored just sitting and mediating. I imaging his arms around me and guess what? Energy actually heals and  rejuvenate me. Not a believer??? God is in each and everyone of us. God has no religion. Where God is concerned, everyone is His created- He is, I repeat- God to all his creations-for all.

No religion, race or culture can lay claim to him. He is Universal. We belong to Him, not the other way round!!! All paths lead to Him!

Try this simple experiment. Get away from the crowd....out in the open..or locked inside your room...a place where  the noise of the world cannot reach you. Be still and mediate or in simple terms-find connection with God. Let go of life's baggages....Simply enjoy the peace and tranquillity .Friends,  that can be marvellously revitalising and bonding and you will emerge fresh and strong to continue your journey with renewed purpose!!!!

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