Friday, December 26, 2014


I stand for Moderation!!

They strongly recommend , we tone down on the colours we  wear,  the directions we  could  gaze. Greys  and the whites are best ,  they say. Why do we need two ways streets when we could have the smoothness of  one way.?? But is it my imagination or  do we see  more dead-ends than previously??  I don't know, guess it depends on which angle you are looking at. Even then...

Everything we say seems to have some sort of fish, maybe chicken bones sticking out!  . Imagination has been stretched beyond its limits. They create new symbols,meanings and implications and implant them into our words, after we have uttered them Good Lord! Did we have any of those intent???That is the new variant of   fluidity and creativity   in  language power, but sadly, they are of the negative kind. They do not create harmony of laughters, but the sensitive suspicion of over active minds and they take away friendship and togetherness. It is certainly more than gender issues. More than Dengue, more than cancerous...shucks! I'm getting more precise when I shouldn't be.  Lest  I  be misconstrued, let's just stick to to baby food after all,   all I ask for is Peace and Harmony!

I find myself practising self censoring every day, every second. But, really, has it got to be so complicated? Living is already a tough job. Do we need more complications?

 I look back and saw the reflections of  harmony and the one spiritedness  of days passed.  I sort of ...., sort of??? I truly miss the simplicity of those peaceful and carefree  days when we could put our  arms around our  friends of other faiths and join each other in our  festives and celebrations. I miss the good wishes of my friends like Zahani , Siti, Sarah  and the like. I like the mee rebus my friend's mother serve me whenever I visited them for Raya. I miss their company in my own festives. I love the Christmas and Chinese new year cards they sent me. Those were so robust happy times...

I remember sharing a bowl  of assorted nuts with my friends. We eat from the same bowl and our smiles and feelings had only one meaning. FRIENDS!! There weren't so many constructs, there weren't so many taboos, there weren't so many barriers, and we were so happy.

I stand for moderation! I stand for friendship! I stand for peace and harmony!!!!And I fully understand why writers like our Datuk Wong is so taken up with the issue of moderation , because truly  I too want to continue smiling and receiving smiles from my friends of this beautiful homeland!! I miss the wishing and the receiving of good wishes and festive cheers from my fellow brethren!!!

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