Sunday, December 28, 2014

Some Home Truths- The Human in you and me.

Empty, vacant spots..are they really empty, free for your exclusive use?

You may think, you have a right to claim but very probably, others have already stamp their ownership and already living within, the creatures of the earth that is, before you even set eyes on those seemingly empty spaces.  The moment, you venture in, it is understood, you agree to observe their dos and don't. Again, have you noticed that though spaces may  appear empty, there are other life forms already on them? The trees, the grass, the insects, the ants ,the landlord-ship of Mother Nature herself. That equates  compulsory  respect for the property of others, the compromise of share occupancy. As a guest  you observe the rules.

We talk of minding our own business,  and doing our own thing. We talk about confining ourselves within our own territory but  then, territories come with the social stamp. No man is an island. We all need to communicate, we are all required to share the facilities. Good to note- even islands have their own life forms. What's more, humans  can never resist the voices and noise of the world. We always say, they are too loud to ignore. But, truth is, our ears actually stretch out in search of voices and the noises. There are just too much curiosity within each and every one of us . People just itch to hold the cards of involvement.  I don't know, perhaps, it is the  ego thing. We can't stand the fact that others know something and we don't . So,  we dig around and as luck would have it, we simply pick up some pretty and not so pretty things.  Feels good, eh,  snacking on something  juicy ; finding pleasures in the discomfort of others? Ah, Humans! J

Oh, I’m neutral, you say, yet your opinionated   thoughts rages on, within. What a dumbbell!  What stupid ideas!! Racist!  J J You subconsciously state your preferences,  move into particular circles, you choose your friends, you make statements. You favour some, you disregard others. You build bonds with some and ignore others. Even the food you eat, the clothes you wear echo your personal statement.  Indeed,  no man is neutral.
No man owns anything in this realm- special  rights to do anything either. It's a temporary thing. Hei, we are walking  through private property. Do you have a right to covet anything for keeps? Think again!

Oh, the ignorance in humans. We fight for oh, so many things properties, territories ,  space, superior rights extra, extra. Nowadays, there are even serious attempts to invade ,control, steal the thoughts and mind of others. That already happened a long while back? Maybe, maybe.  

Truth is, nothing belongs to us. As travellers, we are all migrants,  passing through this realm.  The stops we make are just temporary rest places. We have to move on. We have no rights of  permanent claim to anything. Whatever  is given us, attained  and so forth is on loan basis only. When our visa runs out,  even our physical frames have to be left behind. They are returned to the soil of the earth-back to the Master of the universe. Never ever think, you will be here for keeps. 

Doesn't it makes sense to be generous with one another, share our toys, our  produce, our space and our playgrounds, journeying happily - forging friendship? All travellers need to look out for one another, because our destination is not here but  beyond.. Be  generous and kind people-compromise, practising goodwill and learning to share, building good relationship is the order of this universe. 

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