Sunday, September 13, 2015

Does Looks matter? Reflections

Does looks  matter? While  I can honestly say that age is just a  number, looks is another matter. Looking your age is not a problem but looking run down and out of sequence and style with the world around you is not something, that endears you to them who co-exist with and alongside you. That leads me to my strong contention that looks matters, ir-regardless of age and status.As I write this, it brings to mind,.Jeannie Mai of "How do I look" fame. She would just put all those bad fashion, into the Eeww tube, flushed them out and recreate a new you. I am a fan of her show and it always amazes me how a dreary looking person could be transformed into a glamorous  personality. Goes to show that everyone can be beautiful if you put your mind to it. Actually,  physical beauty is not the main ingredient of looking good. It is the style, the fashion and how you project and carry yourself that matters.What also matters is the impression you give others. I'm not saying you have to possess great physical beauty, but you do need to have class, and look good enough to impress others, that you are that extra-ordinary you, the energetic and presentable you, able to act  and function well as your own entity, your own brand.

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Someone I know,  is past retirement age but she looks good, so good that her employer is telling her to stay put. She is told, she has many good years ahead of her. Her experience and age is an asset. This lady has her share of grey hair but she dresses well and very professionally. In addition, she shines of health and well being, full of energy and sometimes, she puts her younger colleagues to shame..The touch of grey lends her a class of chic.Age surprisingly adds to her quality, value  and knowledge expertise.She carries herself with an air of confidence, which draws trust from others. She is also very vocal in a nice way.

On the other end is someone who has also  retired due to company policy.Being part of a large organisation, they have to comply with preset rules and regulations. This lady wants to continue working, since she is qualified with masses of  experience and knowledge behind her. Unfortunately, she looks more than  her age, dehydrated, and has the appearance of that which categories the elderly, the air of fragility, lacking in stamina and energy. She also thinks that  make up is a no no for senior citizens. . hence she she has placed herself in a certain category-old. The result? She is still looking for that job. That impression you give others  determines your value and worth.

Image result for health mattersSo should the elderly go for some cosmetic help as in cosmetic surgery? I was reading the Star paper which carries two whole pages on this subject in the Sunday Star paper. It appears that improving looks and looking younger gives a person confidence and perhaps that may even contribute to their well-being. Personally, I would worry about the side effects but then if cosmetic help could put you back on the active arena, it might not be a bad idea if you could afford the premium charges of course. Just make sure you go for qualified and certified doctors trained for those tasks you intend to go. Be fully aware though ,that  all the youthful  looks in the world would not help you if you do not have the mental stamina , capabilities and abilities to handle required tasks. You need to be in good health with matching energy and stamina to act out the role of  that power  person.You need to be able to comfortably handle tasks people younger than you are assigned.

Looks matters but Health is more important, so senior people out there, if you want to remain active and valued-keep fit and healthy first. If you have health and good strong energy with you, looking good comes easy.

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