Saturday, July 25, 2015

8th Day Novena Mass-The Healing Mass @ St. Anne Port Klang.

The 11.00a.m. Healing Mass-Friday, 24th July 2015 @ St. Anne Port Klang.-
 A Reflection.
Image result for Healing Mass, St. Anne Port Klang
It was an amazing Healing Mass with Rev. Father Simon Labrooy and the hosts of priests who came to celebrate the Healing Mass at St. Anne’s Feast Day, yesterday. Fr. Simon set the grounds, prepared and led the pilgrims towards receiving the Sacrament of Anointing.

If you want to be healed, you have to face the truth he said. Just who and what are you? Remove the mask you have put on. They are not pretty. Take them off so that you could be yourselves free of the falsities. . Others could see you clearly. Knowing yourself and coming to terms with the truth about yourself in many ways, bring about the miracle of healing.

Image result for fr. lawrence, st. anne port klangImage result for holy spiritHidden behind the mask, most of us without conscience act the  hypocrites. Sometimes, we could be rather callous too. The aftermath is the stress, the guilt and of course the numerous illnesses that plagued. John 14:6, Jesus said, I am the Way,  the Truth, and the Light..., so truth is important. It is clarity. If we have truths about ourselves, we see the Way and the Light as well. Often, we think nobody know us, when we do mean things. Our identity is  hidden behind this hideous mask , which has become a part of our facial skin.. Take it off , Fr. Simon calls out to the congregation. I take that to mean that by removing that mask conscience may live and we become more genuine beings. Fr. Lawrence calls this facing up to the truth of self as the core of the subject matter.
Image result for fr. simon labrooy 
Taking the example of a couple of young children fighting over a toy, Fr. Simon illustrated the covertness in people. When we are given something, we declined but the moment, another takes an interest in it, we find ourselves craving after it and fighting to possess it. Peace is shattered! So many truths were shared!

After getting us to take a closer look at the darker side of us, that we need to change for the  better ,Fr. Simon did a splendid thing. He turned the whole healing mass into a very Spirit centred thing. Consecrated into the power of the Holy Spirit.  Come Holy spirit, we need you....Come Holy Spirit I need you..All of a sudden it became a very Spirit charged healing session. Wonderfully powerful. Who more powerful than the spirit of God to heal us? That  the Lord Jesus  be present to heal each and every ailment? It now makes  perfect sense to Know yourself, acknowledge your true self, the sinner in you that your eyes may be opened to your own failings that  you receive the healing and be transformed.

The Spirit filled hymns were pretty powerful. They proclaim the power, the love and mercy of God , they act to break down the stonewall encasing the hearts, exposing them to faith and belief so that  healing happens. At the end of the mass  when the Sacrament of Anointing was carried out, we were all in  readied and faith filled minds to trust, believe and thus able to receive the healing fruitfully. I for one found it immensely powerful. The realisation was, I had clung onto  things I wanted and not allowing God's will to be done. Part of what is happening to me is certainly trying to be my own creator. The Healing Mass has brought home the wisdom of letting go and allowing God to take charge. Let his Will be done and everything will fall into place.  I’m going to do just that.

I went, as I always do for the Healing Mass. II saw the many faces of healing and I experience awakening. Healing can take many forms. Many   powerful prayers for healing were recited. They unselfishly went beyond our own families and communities, reaching out to our Nation. Good Health is vital for the good peace of survival. Being compassionate to one another brings in healing of good relations to one and all. The Living space becomes more harmonious. The Healing Mass certainly live up to its theme Compassion is the heartbeat of the family. We live as a family in a common nation, society and community. It is great that we are healed but it  is also important to  reach out to others that they too experience  healing – for the  harmony and well being that a Nation needs to co-exist as one  big united family. 

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