Sunday, September 19, 2010

Closely knitted Faith communities

The vision  and mission of setting up   small but  closely knitted christian communities where we hold hands as one is a beautiful inspiration ....A powerful Community Beacon....sculptured to shine upon people of faith ....empowered hope - beaming  out - the word  and  the love of God..... that it reaches out to touch hearts, homes and communities,  binding  families and homes ...that they stand..strong, and united as ONE large extended Christian family.... ..
There is implanted Hope and Faith that small faith communities will actualized into  deep friendships, love, respect, care and  bonding  among members of the same faith community. (within the same neighbourhood) ...that we become brothers, and sisters.... a family in Christ...In happy times...join in the sad times....DEPENDED upon to provide comfort, and the fire that provides warmth...BUT in this writer's opinion, strength must first be cemented; strong seeds planted, thrive well,  take firm roots and allowed to mature in grace and virtue before it could flourish and shine....
The grounds that we stand on is fertile...yet not  really fertiled enough for the seeds of hope and new direction to spring up and thrive on its own...They will  need plenty of  manure, tender care and nurturing,, daily doses of water, weeding, moulding.....that it develops into a healthy and beautiful garden of love.............that it brings forth beautiful and bountiful harvest.....
Today, our world is full of distractions , job commitments, family commitments and oh so many stresses and anxieties, financial etc..etc..  ----Young, Old..successful, underprivileged.......we have all in one way or another found it  difficult  to fulfil our daily  obligations......religious obligations... rendering  service to God.....For one reason or another, we found it laborious  working on this garden of love and bond as one community .....We each have our own commitments and time constraints etc....etc...We find it easier to follow the old doctrines...where being faithful, and very much defined around the church building itself, family and our own circle of selects. But People of Faith is the Church of Christ itself . "When, two or three are gathered in my name, there will I be."   
At this time of widespread natural disasters and  calamities is as though Someone up there is telling us to light our lamps and keep ready for the bridegroom's coming...
Today's hymn sung during many pray to God, and yet have so much hatred in their many professed to love God and yet........does so many things contrary to the will of God??? Our human tongues are dangerous weapons and could really be lethal sometimes..., Do we ever wonder how much we hurt others, caused sufferings to others,  through senseless wagging of tongues???? Cheating, deceiving, the way we treat the poor and the needy ........the Lord says,  He will not forget the actions of those who intentionally hurt their less privileged fellowmen.   Humans, that we are....we pray for more giving hearts...we pray for more goodness and devotion to the will of God....we pray for more love to flourish....

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