Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Parable of the Prodigal Son

The Prodigal son has been this blogger's   favourite story and  quote for a long as she could remember, but it was always  focused on the forgiving Father who welcomes back his ungrateful son....with such joy...despite  hurts suffered.

To be perfectly honest, this blogger had always  dismissed the elder son as some jealous individual who do not deserve any second thoughts or mention. But,  it just occurred to this  writer, that there is a resemblance of the elder son in  many,among us....  people who felt, they were  good yet  not appreciated in life???? Those of us who sometimes curse and swear because the bad fellows were getting the best deal in life, while they/us, the good, are left behind....   picking up the left overs.......???? Yes, there is certainly -the elder son in all of us, especially the feelings of bitterness and rejection...when we were overwhelmed by the seemingly injustices in life...overlooked and ignored by loved ones.....hurt by the actions of evil doers.. even people  we care for.......victimized by those who stalk us......What about ...those who did their best to reach out to individuals and having their good intentions totally misunderstood..., receiving slaps instead of thanks...etc...etc...just so many "elder brother" instances and happenings in our's  unbelievable!

To Marie,  the prodigal son accentuates love and ever flowing forgiveness, of the Father, and that itself glorifies the great love of God, for mankind...but the younger son also represents the sinful side of our human nature....The good God knows and accept our sinful state and is more than willing to forgive our weakness....all it needs is for us to acknowledge Him in whatever we keep Him in our sight and the  doors of heaven remains open to us...." forgiveness" and your sins will be forgiven.......The door to Reconciliation is always kept open, it is up to us to CHANGE for the better-turn over a new leaf and live a life pleasing to the Father.....
Creating an awareness for Gratitude in life, especially in the face of  good things, our elders try so hard to provide us, deserves mention,  Folks how about a a round of  applause ...  to the   calls  to   filial hearts...... God is Centre of our lives , the root of our religion, belief  and Being but Church is also about creating awareness, touching and opening the hearts of our young to  the sacrifices and  love of their parents  .....yes, their old man and old lady of the house...people who had worked so hard for their  happiness. ...and their future. Let the goodness of religion, mould the character of our children ...Let their eyes and hearts be opened to our love and let understanding fill their minds.....and they in turn pass on the good values and morals to their own off springs, and receive  due love and respect in return...let the legacy live on.!....!. Then surely, our families and our world will radiate with peace and happiness and hope lives on for the Human Race.....Church,  Love , they certainly play a great part in shaping lives, creating filial  awareness and forging unbreakable ties among parents , their children and our God above.  March on Christian Soldiers of God!

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