Saturday, November 6, 2010

My Name is Khan, I am not a terrorist!!!

Shah Rukh Khan's & Kajol's
"My Name is Khan and I am not a terrorist" is a Hindi film with a dancing and singing but one which holds a strong social message,  pure,simple yet  forceful and strong- the appeal in the message  reaching out- gripping  and capturing your heart and somehow, comprehension of the awesome truth, brought forth the realisation that within each of us...resides that same  hope for respect, understanding, friendship- oneness with socieity, community, acceptance for what and who we are, irrespective of race, colour, creed or religion,  etc..and you teared from the sheer want , the needs, the call of the message ... . It is  cleverly projected through the simple minded and child like innocence of  the autistic Shahrukh Khan's character who suffers from Asperger's Syndrome. It was painful to watch him become  disorientated by the effects of  the  colour yellow and society does not understand. It takes just one person's understanding and care to make a difference!

His mother's love and his innocent trust in her words which makes the child, the grown up man..... cannot be more strongly projected important it is to be cherished , nourished and taught well , from young.... good religious beliefs and upbringing, it keeps a person's light glowing throughout  his years..-


We could, all of us learn from the  pure goodness, engaging truthfulness, single-mindedness, -and determination .of this autistic man , who goes out to meet the President and succeed....another message that ...nothing is impossible...if you have the will, the drive and of course the belief. .........Religion, Race,  colour, creed, what does it matter????? is the heart, the soul.... which matters...People's Actions towards others.....are you a good person who does good or a Bad person who does bad, bad things.....?????  Having a Muslim name and being Muslim, does not mean, that person is a terrorist......Far from it...

Says, this writer- this message is applicable to the many  social differences which rears it ugly head in our own societies as well........being of a different Race, colour or Religion.....Christians, Hindus, Buddhists etc....  does not mean they, the people of other faith.. or race-should be treated badly or differently by any community...No community should be singled out and treated badly....just because of some bad apples in their community...there are bad apples in all society but that does not mean...all the apples are rotten....God created us equally, no different from the other....We are all brothers and sisters, with the same basic needs, equal rights to life on earth...... fellow travellers embarking on the journey of life....homeward bound.....GOD IS ONE. The only question is- Are you on the side of Goodness where the light shines or from the Bad side where darkness reign?????

Awesome, view this movie and learn something from it! It is completely captivating!!!!

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