Sunday, November 7, 2010

A thought for the after life

Life after is a subject which never bores because no one knows the actual answers and the more we speculate, the more interest is generated. Those who lost their breath for a moment or two and return, tells of entering a tunnel or seeing a beautiful light, and experiencing such beautiful peace that they want to enter the light and "cross over"  and that they had to be persuaded by the voices of the present to return to their bodies.....Truth or Myth???  We will never know until our soul is recalled and we walk that last journey. But the Book of Life tells us that there is definitely life after death and the good becomes like angels, living in the presence of the Lord God as his children.....Where we will go after death, really depends on how we live life in this temporary world of ours..

Someone recited a beautiful hymn today and mentioned that he would like it sung at his last goodbye when his time comes....Yours Truly could not help smiling...because she too has the habit of telling what she wants ahead of time.  We started this journey as a baby and bow out when our destiny has been one knows when, but it is something,,every living being and creature must go through....That piece of puzzle must fall into place to complete the picture. But until the call comes,  life must  go on and within the boundaries given us. Happy living People!!!!

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