We are in a holy place, and we frequent the holy house of God, not because, we are holy, but because we are in need of God and need Him so much. We have come , not because we are good or religious, far from it, we are there because we acknowledge our unworthiness. Fact is, nobody is truly religious and good because we are people of sin, whatever we do, our every action almost always borders on own interest and self. Life is really one big bubble and many, including Yours Truly are sometimes more than happy to float around in pretence flaunting the artificial and false side of us and thriving on their encores. But bubbles never last for long, and when it finally burst and we are forced downwards, it can be devastating . Without God to hold us up, where would we be???
Yesterday, I was with a group of friends and we debated on the gift of the gap and the power of the tongue the other definition -PR skills.. What happens when that skill is given the maxi push and overshot its limit,and though the honey is there, the heart disappears to be replaced by agenda and motive ?? The word hypocrite, hypocritical , insincere , false came up and yet, the conclusion was that without those skills, many category of people like those in the corporate and arena of Big P , cannot survive . Those abilities, which we, the ordinary despises and spat upon are actually the attributes and strategic tools towards targets of worldly achievement and objectives. The art of persuasive communication , when one is able to convince the mind of others that black is white and white is really black and get them to accept it as fact, is big business in today' s living- Of course if you are so worldly minded that you choose to ignore conscience and walk the broader road all the time, then you could probably collect a basketful of worldly blink, blink! Sadly blink, blink has no value at the end of life's journey.
This morning, the word hypocrite was again mentioned , but in an entirely different platform. and scenario. To those released from the mirages of our bubbles and are now stripped of the artificial and pompousness of self, our eyes are opened to our blemishes and we acknowledge our own lacking. Funnily, this habitually only happens during the season of Lent. We become remorseful and start to wonder if the word hypocrite applies to self. Guess, if we are travellers, still travelling towards holiness and goodness, then we need not punish ourselves too much, (only try not to repeat our mistakes) because, we still have the person of the Lord Jesus to bring our conscience to the front and remind us to keep Centre , God in our lives and that will help to flush out the mirages that surrounds our journey; that we see with clarity real values and treasures that will ensure that our feet remain firm on the ground. . No matter, how far we wonder into the land of Mirages and the artificial of life, be assured, we will hear the call to awaken and return to reality.