Monday, March 5, 2012

The Up and Down Affair

We are having an affair, a daily affair , practising the  rule of the "up and down" of SLP  (Standard living practices) . These are so blended into our lives that it had become routine- taken for granted-something  so  matter of fact, . that many of us go through their paces without acknowledging and understanding their  significance. Downwards- it is the descend of  God's grace upon us.... when it goes up, it is glorification, our glorification of our God in the Highest. I certainly took it so much for granted ....that I do not even pause to examine it even for a moment.  But then as always, parish priests have their way of awakening our finer senses.

Another common standard occurrence.... are complaints and blaming God for our misfortunes, or His lack of care .(.I,  had my fair share of  lamenting  and asking  God for a break) , and  yet we do not see that He is constantly giving us breaks, regularly shielding us and  in the process , taken the beating on our behalf. I remember, as a very young child, my older sister covered me with her body when I was beaten for being extremely naughty.....,in the end, she received the lashes, but bore it stoically while I escaped with a just  a tinie  wienie bit of the pain, and in a flood of tears. Things like that you remember with gratitude all your life..That also stirred up in my mind another beautiful story of this traveller who lamented  the non presence of the Lord  during his difficult moments. When  shown  two sets of footprints  on the sands of time, this traveller only saw the stages when there appeared to be only one set of footprints...and questioned the Lord......"then, why were there only one set of footprints, here, there and there???? Why?? " Why? Those were my footprints and not yours my good man.....those were the times, you lack the strength  to walk even with me by your side, so I had to hold you  up and carry you  over those really bad patches...."

Lent brings to mind the many things religion , church and God does for us...we are given a chance to redeem ourselves, confess of our sins, and resume living on a clean slate and we have the support of the whole community. The most wonderful thing is that our God, who has gone through the various stages of hell on our behalf, is compassionate and ever-listening. No religious observances is ever forced upon anyone, during  this season of  abstinence, self examination  and  renewal , whatever we do, it is for  love, whether it is out of love for our own soul, or for the love of others. To receive,  you have to give...and in giving, you receive. That is the law of balance, the equilibration by which the universe rotates and circulate. Whatever you do, do it with the conscience of your weight  on the Lord who carries you through all the rough terrains, potholes, and shield s you from the unpredictable  storms and tsunamis of life's journey.. Let this Lent patch up the many potholes we face and strengthen  the very foundation of the  paths  we walk upon....less of mud and more concrete. 

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