Sunday, March 18, 2012


Self  worth is crucial to journeying  , because that is faith and belief in your  own capabilities  and abilities. . If you constantly  stick your face in mud pie, you get mud pie. If you think, you are unworthy, then you are definitely not worthy and incapable of achieving the things you want for your daily needs,  let alone attaining greater things.. That is the greatest secret since the beginning of times; and that secret is contained in the pages of the Word of God, that  is one of the greatest wisdom laid open in the Holy Bible-to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear....and yet people have to wait for the rediscovery of the "WORTHY"word " by modern day gurus, educators, motivators and well being authors before their eyes could open to see how  important, self esteem and self worth is to life's living and then, only then, do they go about practising its wisdom.
God loved us so much  that He sent His only Son to redeemed there anyone else as worthy to pick up the crosses and sins of the world; is there anyone else caring enough to rebuild the bridge of reconciliation if not His only Begotten Son???. The unworthy do not even have the strength to pick up a small cross, let alone a massive heavy cross, bearing the sins the world.  In accepting His redeeming Body and Blood,  in many ways, we are also  receiving a part of  His strength and  virtues. Let us first be worthy of the Lord God and Self Worth shall automatically follow suit , for then whatever we do, we shall do it with  conscience , with clarity and for the love and good of others and self..  For then, whatever we do, we do it , because we know we are worthy of those acts of giving  and worthy of the expectations , expected of us. People! Are you worthy of the Love, God has given you?? Are you worthy of yourself, your every existence and this journey so moulded  you???

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