Tuesday, May 22, 2012


It was in the silence of the early morning 
that you came forth  to greet me
You chided, you wagged your finger  a little
And yet, when you heard my heart speak
your eyes soften to gentleness..
And compassion  took over...

Oh how you filled the vacuum of my heart
How you bridge the gap, which distanced 
you from me
How You  dispel the darkness and the cold..
and brought in winds of warmth and cherish-ment..
When  your healing arms reached out to embrace, 
and  protectively drew me  closed to you! 

All  is well  , you promised me,
All will be well, you'll  see..
As always, I stand firm by your side ,
Unceasingly shielding  you all your days....

-Marie Lee-

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