Sunday, May 20, 2012

Herald -Pope's message-musings

Silence is very much about having space to be near God, to be with God-without the distractions, without the hindrances, without the artificial - the falseness so associated with life's living. It is a meditative state ..focusing on God alone ..a state where one  harness the peace and oneness with God...striking  a balance  with harmony and the positive forces of goodness leading to well being. When one is silent, the ears and heart start to listen...and when one listens, one hears, sees, reason  and comprehend. That reflection came from the  Pope's powerful message in the recent issue of the Herald.. When wisdom speaks, it enriches the salt of the earth and he who pay heed to its wisdom has much to gain. 

The bit about "God speaking to us even in silence"? To YT that is absolutely true..  It was in the silence that she hears the call of her inner self, most clearly. It is in the peace and quiet that God is closest and His healing grace most powerfully felt.  

YT recalled, .in times past, when confusion and uncertainty struck.. when walls appeared...when directions was the stillness ...that  brought in re-bonding  and healing -that clarity shone and pathways reappeared. It was being alone in the sanctuary of the House of God that the voice of God was astoundingly clear. If you have something to tell God, go alone into your prayer place or your own private space and speak to Him directly, in the peace and quiet... You will be amazed how He makes use of silence and stillness to open our eyes and  our hearts. Folks, fellow who walk along similar paths,  give silence a chance - she is the golden one-make efforts to built  moments of silence into your living space -to rejuvenate and revitalise self, be your own person-   get out of the deafening noise of the world, for some stillness and you will be amazed, just how healed you are afterwards. .  It is the simple goodness and gifts of life that is most powerful, and God's presence is the basic foundation for that  balance and well being. Tell me that is not true!

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